by Shelt Garner
AOC is something of a liberal-progressive firebrand, and, as such, extremely divisive. She’s divisive to the point that the case could be made that given how young she is, she should sit 2024 out to give herself time to mature and to earn the right to run for such a high office as POTUS.

She’s so young that she has plenty of time to become a New York Senator and then position herself to run for higher office.
But there’s a problem — a huge problem.
Macro forces are at work such that 2024 could be a battle royale. It could be a political pitched battle between the autocratic fascism of the Republican Party and an alliance of pro-democratic forces that find themselves under the rubric of the Democratic Party. And, sadly, Joe Biden is so old and eager to work with his good, good friends in the Republican Party who now happen to be fascist, that he’s just not up to the task at hand.
It would be much better, given the stakes of the 2024 election, to have a young, progressive firebrand like AOC as the leader of the Democratic Party as the United States careens towards the existential choice of autocracy or civil war. She would be just the fresh blood needed in case things went really south and we found ourselves with a REAL Stop The Steal effort in late 2024 – early 2025.
And, in all honesty, given how radical the Republican Party is now, having a fighter who appeals to the base of the Democratic Party is probably a lot more useful in 2024 than someone who might appeal to those mysterious 100,000 people across five swing states that decide each modern election.
I don’t agree with AOC on everything — I’m a moderate, if radical moderate, but I admire her spunk and her youthful frame of mind.
As such, for the time being, at least, I think AOC is the best candidate for the Democratic Party in 2024.