by Shelt Garner
I occurred to me today that I face something of a conundrum with this massive, sprawling planned six novel project. The first three novels, while interesting, don’t really have the same vibe as Stieg Larsson’s work. They’re definitely worth reading — or will be — but the entire tone of the first three novels are different because they don’t really have the sexxy razmataz of a Lisbeth Salender-type character.

The hero of the first three novels is a middle aged woman who just wants to protect an infant from evil forces.
And, yet, even though this is the case, I, personally want to see these stories told and, as such, I’m willing to put the work into doing just that. And now that I have that at the forefront of my mind, I can work extra hard to make these first three novels as action packed and interesting as possible.
Also, just by writing these first three novels, I have the opportunity to improve my writing and storytelling ability to so when I do get to the second three set of novels, I will be able to write something as interesting and fast paced as Larsson’s stuff.

At least, that’s what I’m going to tell myself.
I just really like the idea of laying out how my eventual heroine got to be the way she was. I have six sold stories to write and it fits my personality of shooting for the moon, thinking I might fall into the stars. And it also forces me to be more creative than I might otherwise have to be.
I have to figure out a way to make three interesting stories REALLY interesting so people will become fans of the series enough to want to find out what happens in the second three books.
I suppose if I’m totally unsuccessful with the first novel I might skip to the first book in the second trilogy for no other reason than pure desperation. But, as I keep saying, I have no one to tell me “no” so I can do whatever the fuck I want until I, personally, change my mind on this particular situation.