‘Maintain Amanda’ — #Lyrics To A #Pop R&B Song

The title of this one came to me in a dream. This could go a lot of different ways, but I think it would make the lyrics to a great song that someone like The Weeknd might sing. But it would need to be fast. With the proper producer, you might even make it a Ye song.

Maintain Amanda
lyrics by Shelt Garner
please give credit if you produce or perform

the sweat is rolling
rolling off your chest
I’m looking at your chin
as you grin down at me
we’re going to make it
we’re going to take it
but all you gotta do is

maintain Amanda
maintain that grove
maintain that smooth
maintain that beat
while we’re both off our feet

roll over one more time
for some rock and roll
shuck and jive
you’re telling the truth
with your body
never been too haughty
but it’s now our never
got to keep it together
maintain Amanda

maintain Amanda
maintain that grove
maintain that smooth
maintain that beat
while we’re both off our feet

I can feel the beating of your heart
going to explode out of your chest
because the beat is not getting no rest
but one more go round
and we’re going to have it made
remember to maintain Amanda

maintain Amanda
maintain that grove
maintain that smooth
maintain that beat
while we’re both off our feet

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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