‘Sunburn’ — #lyrics to a #pop R&B #song

by Shelt Garner
please give credit if you produce or perform

not a lot to say
much to my dismay
you’re the sun in my sky
the sunburn is too much
I must admit
even though I feel like shit

your sunburn is too much
I can feel the warmth of you love
your sunburn is too much
I can feel the warmth of your love
every moment of the day
because of your sunburn and its pain

people tell me to go inside
that I need to get away from you and hide
but I’m addicted to your love
want to make you love me
even if means I get burned

your sunburn is too much
I can feel the warmth of you love
your sunburn is too much
I can feel the warmth of your love
every moment of the day
because of your sunburn and its pain

at night I can still feel your burn
the sunburn of your love
pulsates all around me
but it was all worth it I must admit
even though I feel like shit

your sunburn is too much
I can feel the warmth of you love
your sunburn is too much
I can feel the warmth of your love
every moment of the day
because of your sunburn and its pain

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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