Now, To Start Thinking About Querying

by Shelt Garner

I still have a few steps ahead of me when it comes to the querying step of the process of trying to sell a novel in a traditional manner. But here I am, thinking about it anyway.

I have no idea, at the moment, as to the proper manner to do it. But I’m going start thinking about it in the next few days, weeks and months. I haven’t even finished the first draft yet. But once I finish the second draft and get all my Beta Reader response back, THEN I’m going to really have to put up or shut up about querying.

I know that this first novel is good enough to, at least, be within shouting distance of being sold in some capacity. But if it doesn’t work out, I’m just going to self publish and that will be that.

The key thing is I now know how *I* develop a novel and I can always use that knowledge to throw myself into a different novel and see if can sell THAT. Of course, I still am interested in writing a screenplay or two (or three) for no other reason than I think my personality is better suited to Hollywood than that of the lone wolf world of the novelist.

But, we’ll see.

I really believe in this five novel project. I really believe I have a chance at selling all five novels and, for once, not being such a big loser.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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