by Shelt Garner
Things are going really well with this first novel, to the point that I’m beginning to encounter resistance from people who are resentful about this very thing. I knew this was inevitable, but I didn’t expect it to start even before I finished the novel.

But, here we are.
I was talking to someone I knew at a bar about where development was and the moment it was clear that I was well on my way to finishing the first draft, they rather abruptly changed the subject. It was very jarring and conspicuous.
Anyway, I still don’t know what I’m going to do once I finish the first draft. The logical thing to do would be start a second creative track that was shorter so I could see about using what I’ve learned since I started developing these five thriller novels to write a shorter “calling card” of sorts that might be easier to sell.
But, alas, I’m so wrapped up in these five novels that I don’t know if I have it in me to divert attention from the main project to do such a thing. Only time will tell, I guess.