by Shelt Garner
It’s an open secret that a lot of well known liberals are making contingency plans on how to leave the country should Trump and MAGA gain power again in 2025. They’re getting the second passport, for instance. It’s developments like these that lead me to believe that in our nation’s time of need — from Election Day 2024 to Certification Day 2025 — the people who would otherwise lead some sort of real world resistance to tyranny will simply say, “So long, suckers.”

And that will be that.
Starting at some point after Election Day 2024 when it becomes clear which direction things are going to go — I’m of the opinion that Republicans may win the 2024 election outright without any cheating — somewhere upwards of 1 million center-Left people will begin to leave the United States.
They have the means, motive and opportunity to do so and so they will. They won’t think about how they’re needed to save American democracy or figure out a way to actively resist the MAGA fascist state. They will leave the nation of their birth and not look back.
Or, let me put it to you this way — fleeing the country will be the initial reaction of a huge swath of the liberal elite. It won’t be until there’s some sign that they have a reason to come back, say a civil war in which Blue States win, will they come waltzing back as if nothing happened.

I don’t think enough people appreciate how dire things are becoming in the United States right now. The moment the Republicans take over Congress in January 2023, the mood of the country is going to change dramatically. All Congress is going to do is impeach Biden and Harris for two years. The Senate will never get anything done — any more than usual — because they’ll be sitting in impeachment trials all the time.
Anyway, this is it, folks. All my “hysterical doom shit” will gradually, starting January 20th, 2025 start to become true. There may be some delay because of inertia and the lingering influence of “the deep state,” but within a few years we’ll have a Constitutional Convention to “pass a balance budget amendment” and our final slide into fascist autocracy will be complete.
Meanwhile, Blue Check liberals will be sipping pinacolatos in the south of France.