by Shelt Garner
Jesus Christ, where to start with this one. This only continues to aggravate me because my dark “doom shit” predictions about the fate of the United States continue to be proven correct. Mueller, She Wrote is one of the more respected Blue Check liberal accounts on Twitter and they blocked me some time ago for my “doom shit.”
My response is — have you guys looked around lately? Mueller, She Wrote is apparently still stuck in those halcyon days 2017 when we all thought Mueller was going to save us. Well, jokes on you Mueller, She Wrote. You guys are fucking fools. You are so wrapped up your earnest Twitter threads that you are completely oblivious to what’s really going on.

No only is the system not working — Trump and his ilk are demonstrably above the law — but the Republicans Party seems to systemically grow more radical on a nearly daily basis. And I get blocked for simply pointing this out. Jesus Christ are they fools.
Mueller, She Wrote still having faith in the system is a part of a broader problem among Twitter liberals. They seem to think that something or someone is going to “save” us, when there is absolutely no sign of this being the case.
Even if Trump got indicted, he would still run for POTUS. Even if he got knocked out of running for POTUS for some reason, there are a dozen younger, more focused fascists within the Republican Party who will do the same Goddamn thing that Trump wants to do.
It’s not like I’m making any of this up. This is what anyone can see for themselves on a daily basis by just looking at Twitter.
I want to be wrong. I really do. I wish Mueller, She Wrote was right. I could sleep a lot easier at night if I knew Mueller, She Wrote was right. But, alas, they’re delusional.
Voting isn’t going to save us. The system isn’t going to save us. We have to save ourselves. And the only way I know to do that is for everyone to figure out what they believe in and what they’re willing to suffer for. Maybe store a bugout bag somewhere.
But one thing is clear — between now and 2025, the United States either slips peacefully into autocracy or a civil war begins. And I’ll still be blocked by Mueller, She Wrote.