by Shelt Garner
I continue to spin my wheels with this first novel in what I hope is a five novel series. The reason why I get so worked up about the first three chapters is they are the bedrock that sets up everything else for the novel. And, given that this first novel is meant to be something of a calling card for the other four novels, I want everything to be just right.

One issue that has really gotten me stuck at times is relationships. It only has slowly dawned on me how important it is to have as much conflict in relationships as possible. As such, I sometimes have to think up creative reasons why people who otherwise don’t like each other would feel forced to interact.
I think I’ve managed to figure out yet another situation where this happens. What I really need is that awkward element found so often in drama that I hate, hate, hate to see on screen or read in a book. But that’s pretty much what drama is — people being forced into severely awkward situations.
But I do find that when I’m the one creating the awkward situations that I can handle it all.

Another thing — I really, really need to read more. I need to read more fiction. And more fiction that isn’t my own stuff. I’m trying to read a few books and novels but it’s not going so great. But I’m hopeful.
I have a really compelling five novels and this first novel is very well thought out. I’m kind of obsessed and or addicted to this whole process. And I definitely have a process that I like for how *I* develop and write a novel. But I have to, finally, push forward beyond just the very beginning of the novel.
I just have to.