The ‘Frothy’ Right

by Shelt Garner

This is one of those times when I wish someone was paying to write this post. If that was the case, then I would spend the energy necessary to paint a clear picture of what is going on with this subject.

But, as it is, lulz. Here’s my half-assed, somewhat lazy write up.

See, there is an element of the Right that is way, way, way over stimulated about their fascist inclinations. To the point that they say and do some batshit things in bad faith that even THEY know are dumb. I mean, Dean Cane was involved in a skit at CPAC (I think) one year that was based on the emails of the two FBI lovers that Trump hates so much.

Then there are all these other instances — usually featuring Jesse Kelly — where the froth of the extreme, extreme Right is so dumb and ridiculous that you know that even they get kind of embarrassed by it all soon enough.

Anyway, it’s all very, very dumb. But there’s an audience for such bullshit.

Daydreaming Of A ‘Traditionalist’ Party

by Shelt Garner

I have seen a lot of Twitter liberals have some hope that we might see sort of “constitutional conservative” party that would, in effect, give Traditionalists somewhere for enough presidential election cycles until we get the whole autocracy – anocracy – democracy thing sorted out within the context of the browning of America.

Sad to say, I just don’t see that happening.

It’s delusional and gives the non-Blue Check rubes false hope.

You can’t have a successful party when the only people who support it are the people who are in it. I mean, I can count on one hand the people who would make up the leadership of a Constitutional Conservative Party on one hand. (As an aside, I would call it what it is — the Traditionalist Party. It rolls off the tongue a lot better than Constitutional Conservative.)

But, let’s say the Traditionalist Party ran a Pence / Cheney ticket. How successful might it be? That is a very good question. I honestly don’t know. But it probably would be doomed to failure. The reason is Trump (and supporters of the January 6 Insurrection) have such an absolute death-grip over the Republican Party that I just can’t see much happening.

It all goes back to the fear of the browning of America. That trumps — no pun intended — every other argument. That’s why Traditionalists decided to support Trump — insane tweets and all — in the first place. We’re past the even horizon when it comes to tyranny.

And, in the end, all the Blue Check Twitter liberals who got all excited about this dumb political idea will be the first to leave the country for other, more stable nations — should we have a civil war or finally slip peacefully into autocracy.

‘Illegally Gorgeous’ –#Lyrics To A #Pop Song

This one is pretty good. Too bad because of dumb legal reasons no one will ever do anything with it. All I want is credit for the idea, I swear. You can do whatever the fuck you want with it, otherwise. But I like this concept, though. It’s pretty good. The beat is from Roar by Katy Perry because I don’t have any beats of my own. A good producer could probably figure out a way to remove that IP echo.

Illegally Gorgeous
Lyrics by Shelt Garner
Please give credit if you produce or perform

just took at you is to break the law
you’re face is a crime unto itself
I’m going to get locked up when we lock eyes
because you’re illegally gorgeous

don’t put the cuffs on me yet
’cause I’ll escape just yet
illegally gorgeous is your thing
of your beauty I have to sing
illegally gorgeous
illegally gorgeous
illegally gorgeous

you get arrested with just your strut
even when you’re not wiggling that butt
you’re going to attract a crowd it’s true
’cause of the felony that is your bod
hope you won’t call me a sod to point it out
you’re illegally gorgeous

don’t put the cuffs on me yet
’cause I’ll escape just yet
illegally gorgous is your thing
of your beauty I have to sing
illegally gorgeous
illegally gorgeous
illegally gorgeous

some people wanna keep it safe
draw within the lines
but I’d rather be in your prison
than free to roam alone
knowing you’re on someone else’s arm

don’t put the cuffs on me yet
’cause I’ll escape just yet
illegally gorgeous is your thing
of your beauty I have to sing
illegally gorgeous
illegally gorgeous
illegally gorgeous

Why Are The Americans Spooked About The Russians Around Ukraine Tonight?

by Shelt Garner

The thing about any geopolitical issue is you just never know. It’s why any discussion — especially on Twitter — about this or that potential geopolitical hotspot should be left to the experts.

But, lulz, that’s never stopped me before. So, here’s my unfounded speculation about why the US is flying surveillance aircraft at night over Ukraine, which apparently is very rarely, if ever, seen.

So, what does it mean? Why are they doing it now? What has spooked them into doing something so unusual. I honestly have no idea. But I do think we may be in something akin to the “red zone” that will span between now and, say, March 1st.

A lot depends on what Putin and Xi said to each other over the last few days at the Olympics. It could be that Xi gave Putin a greenlight to attack ASAP, or it could be all of this means nothing and we just wait and see.

But I’m going to continue to keep an eye on all of this.

Character Development

by Shelt Garner

One of the key things I need to do with this month of development and reading is work on my characters. I keep thinking about working on different novels that are not in-universe, but it’s the character building and name issues that hold me back.

I’m come up with such a huge universe with these five novels that there’s not much point in writing anything else. If I get frustrated with any one book I’m working on, I can always bounce to another one and work on that. I have a pretty big cast of characters — many of them are POV — so that adds to the challenge I face before me.

I have so many female characters that I have begun to consciously begin to make more of my new characters male to even things out.

But anyway. I hope to get a lot of work done this month. It’s helping a lot to change gears and relax by thinking about something other than the first three chapters of the first book.

I think things are going really well with these novels. I just have to get outside my comfort zone.

My Hot Take On Jonathan Chait’s Hot Take On Ross Douthat’s Hot Take On The Rise Of American Authoritarianism

by Shelt Garner

I saw this by Jonathan Chait and had to comment.

Even if it were true, a two-party democracy that rests on the authoritarian party never losing isn’t very safe. As democratic safeguards go, it’s the equivalent of the rhythm method of contraception. Its only real advantage is that it allows conservatives to avoid acknowledging a choice between their party and democracy. Maybe things will work out and they can have both!

This is the crux of the issue facing American politics at the moment. We have one party that doesn’t believe in democracy (Republicans) and one that is blissfully unaware of what they’re up against — Democrats.

So, here we are. The only question we have at the moment is, first, are we going to have a civil war or autocracy. Second, the question is, how bad is either one of those choices going to get. Will we bomb ourselves into oblivion if we have a civil war, or will we become a Russia-level autocracy before it’s over with.

Just assuming that the center-Left will continue to win elections forever is not exactly a great way to ensure democracy. So, we’re in trouble. The next few months will become more and more bumpy.

I Really Need To Develop

by Shelt Garner

I’m trying to do a lot of development this month, February. I’m hoping that by taking a pause in writing and doing development — and reading — that in the end, I’ll be a lot closer to my end goal of finishing five novels.

That is, at least, the goal.

I think I have a fair shot of that happening. But I need to stay focused. I need to stop screwing around and actually do the development — and reading — that I aim to do. I’m also thinking about watching some TV from a streaming service I’ve subscribed to, for no other reason than, well, I have paid for it. And I need to expand outside my creative comfort zone.

But, we’ll see. My only glimmer of hope is I have, in fact, finished a first draft of the first novel and so it is, in fact, possible for me to actually finish something.

Addressing Traditionalist Arguments

by Shelt Garner

Both Sides
In this argument, Traditionalists say they’re forced to take the side of the MAGA New Right because “both sides” are now extreme and they would rather there be a white fascist Christian ethno-state than a Leftist government that forces the “woke” agenda down people’s throats. And, of course, something something 2nd Amendment and something something abortion, something something transgender athletes. The flaw with these arguments, to me, is, well the Nazis. There’s a big difference between the de facto assholery of the “woke Leftist mob” and the de jure attacks on freedoms that come as part of any autocratic state. Form follows function, as they say. (This is where the “bogus” argument comes in.)
Debate Nullification (The ‘Bogus’ Argument)
The “Bogus” argument is when a Traditionalists just pretty much says, I don’t care what you’re saying, I don’t believe it and fuck you. They say, in effect, that they’ve made up their minds — they’re throwing their lot with fucking fascist racist bigots and there’s nothing you can say to change their minds. Then you either just stop debating politics or you start screaming at each other.
Being Attacked Just For Being Conservative
This is actually a valid argument. This is actually happening. But I would suggest they use traditional politics to get what they want — by say, changing their general political views and working within the changing demographics of a democracy — than simply burning everything down in a racist, bigoted hissy fit.

Pick A Side

by Shelt Garner

One thing that I continue to roll around in my head is how we’ve reached a point in American political history when both sides have legitimate reasons to believe what they believe. Or, put another way, each side has an infrastructure built out to allow them to believe what they believe.

This is all happening in the context of the two sides growing more and more radical. Either you’re with one side, or the other. No compromise. And my Traditionalist relatives do have a point — they are, in fact, in a sense being persecuted for just being conservative.

But the context of all of this is so complicate that it’s difficult for me to get much beyond that in my support for them and their agenda. Add to this how I know what no matter what, I’m going to run afoul of the autocrat simply because I’m a loudmouth drunk Internet crank and I’ll rather throw my lot with democracy than fucking fascist American Nazis. (This is the point where my Traditionalists relatives either say “both sides” or do some form of debate nullification.) I’m still of the opinion that some of the stupider elements of the Left will simply burn off one way or another.

Either it burns off because it’s ended one and for all by an American Autocrat via corrupt laws, or it’s burned off as part of a broader civil war. While I’m sure they’ll always be a part of our national discourse to some extent, I don’t see pronouns, trigger warnings and safe spaces being as urgent as they are now forever. (I’m often wrong.)

Anyway, the point is — pick a side. In the near future, a side will be chosen for you, even if you don’t like it. So, I suggest you pick one now and get it over with instead of letting someone else do it to for you.

February Is For Development (And Reading)

by Shelt Garner

I continue to think about Stieg Larsson’s work and I keep thinking that he had some way of structuring his plots (and subplots) that I just don’t have at the moment. But as part of my month-long pause on writing and focus on development and reading, I’m going to try to game out my subplots better.

The reason why I’m pausing writing for February is two fold — one is I was running a little “hot” while writing and I was getting nervous there was a chance I would burn out. Also, I wanted to throw myself into development of all five of the novels to see if I could put myself in a position to just bang out all five first drafts one right after the other.

But it’s the issue of subplots that is really at the forefront of my mind at the moment. I have sold A, B, C and D subplots for the second thriller and now the issue is to intertwine the plots during the course of story. I have it figured out in a macro sense, but in a tactical sense I still have a lot of work to do. But I really need actually get some work done this month.

Anyway, I’ve got an unusual amount of stuff going on this month — at least for me. But whatever happens, I’m going to start writing again full time come March 1st. I just thought I would take a little rest for a few weeks so I can read and development.