by Shelt Garner
At the moment, it seems as though there’s going to be a major war in Europe. It hasn’t happened yet, so it still may not. It’s possible that a huge chunk of Ukraine will be eaten by Russia and a lot of people will die needless deaths. Along the way, the Ukrainian government might collapse.

Peace In Our Time
In this scenarios, we barely avert war because the Ukrainians give in to the Russian demands. But folding on the part of the Ukrainian government leads to a popular revolt within the citizenship and…and the government collapses, which given the Russians the excuse they need to…invade Ukraine.
This is All A Flex
It’s still possible that Putin is doing all of this just to fuck with us and rather than pulling the trigger one way or the other, he draws down his forces as suddenly as he built them up and we, thankfully, move on to something else.