The MAGA New Right’s Continued Delusional Belief of a Coming Fascist ‘Revolution’

by Shelt Garner

I know what’s happening. Good old boys, angry at this or that thing they feel liberal-progressives are doing to “force” them to become radicalized, think up the worst thing they can to do to liberals. They snap their fingers and say, “Revolution!”

But that’s not really how things work, if history is any guide.

Fascist, in general, usually don’t seize power as part of a “revolution.” In fact, most of the time, they just win elections and never let go of power. Anyway. Even in Canada, where they’re some instability from truckers camping out in protest of vaccine mandates, I don’t seen any kind of Right wing “revolution.” A coup of some sort, maybe that might prompt a civil war, but not a “revolution.”

The point is — things are not great right now in the Anglophone world. In fact, I think there may be a point when future historians look back upon this era as the “Crisis of Anglophone Civilization.” The fascists are ascendant and, in the end, barring something I can’t expect — like a civil war where the Blue liberal-progressives win — we’re in for a New Era, where the Anglophone world is no longer associated with Western democracy.

Lulz. There are no easy answers on this one. If even the polite people of Canada are having problems with Right wing nutjobs, then Anglophone civilization is facing some systemic problems that are going to have long-lasting consequences for everyone on this little blue marble in space.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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