by Shelt Garner
This is going to be extremely lazy. I’m not getting paid, but I am getting drunk as I write this. Anyway, I’ve always respected Howard Stern’s interviewing ability. He’s probably one of the best interviewers in the media today. AND YET. He’s got a real problem — he has within the last 10 years, maybe more recently — used the n-word on multiple occasions.
If I was getting paid to write this, was not drunk and knew anyone was actually going to read this outside of my usual randos and stalkers, I would look up instances of this on YouTube, but, lulz. Anyway, the point is, Joe Rogan — who I’m not fond of — is rightfully getting all this shit for using the n-word, when Stern is out there using it all the time, too.
What the what?
I can remember the first time I heard him say it. I was so taken aback I couldn’t listen to him again in the same way. But I don’t know, maybe he and South Park are the two last remaining pre-“Cancel Culture” pieces of media that can still get away with some really objectionable shit.
With Stern, some of it has to do with who is his core audience — the Blue Check liberals who would be the most likely to lead the charge to “cancel” him in the first place.
Anyway. Lulz. This bourbon is good.