Yes, Canada, Worry About America

by Shelt Garner

There is a little bit of buzz in Canada at the moment about the potental transformation of the United States into a “Right wing dictatorship” by 2030. I don’t think it’s going to be that simple, but here are some reasons for the Great White North to seriously worry about their brothers and sisters to the South.

  1. Form Follows Function
    If the United States becomes an illiberal democracy like Russia, we could be talking about “Little Blue Men” seizing a bit of Canada here and there at some point in the 2030s or 2040s. As it becomes more and more clear (in secret) to President Pompeo or DeSantis that the States will become too hot to live in, they will turn north. So, in the end, Canada might be attacked for its abstract “resource” of simply being easier to live in when the planet begins to boil.
  2. American Refugees
    If there’s a civil war in the United States, millions of Americans are going to become political refugees and they’re going to pour over the Canadian border looking for refuge. This could happen a lot sooner than you might think, depending on events. Anytime from now to as late as 2025 and America could go tits up, bomb itself into the Stone Age and people will plunge into Canada looking for succor. This would dramatically change Canada.
  3. A Major Redrawing of North American Borders
    Just as the US was nervous about being drawn into a Canadian civil war the last time Quebec wanted to leave Canada, so, too, will Canada be drawn into any American Civil War. Probably, the country will be used as a staging ground for EU forces who might want to help out Blue States. But if the Second American Civil War has a far more messy endgame, you could see Blue States swoop in and politely tell Canada to form the United States of Canada in reponse to the creation of Trumplandia.

America’s Systemic Collapse

by Shelt Garner

America’s Second Republic is collapsing before our very eyes. We live in an era of political lawlessness, where Trump and his acolytes are above the law and free to think up continuing mischief.

I continue to read a book about the rise of Hitler and I’m struck by how the United States now is very much like the Weimar Republic of the 1920s. We’ve had our beerhall putsch and now we’re waiting to see if Trump (or some other autocrat) wins the presidency in 2024.

And, really, the key issue is we have to face is no one is going to save us. The United States is collapsing on a political basis. The question is, collapsing into what? We have three options — civil war, autocracy or military junta. And, at the moment, I just don’t know which of the three will be the final endgame. The most obvious is we simply slip peacefully into autocracy. That definitely seems the most logical outcome.

Yet, I can’t dismiss the idea that we may have a civil war and bomb ourselves into the Stone Age. That is a very real possibility. And, I would say, the thing that might prevent such a civil war is the total lack of Blue leadership. So, if there was a sudden rush out of the Union by Blue States after a stolen 2024 election, we would see some rather dramatic arrival of Blue leadership simply out of history’s desperate needs at the moment.

But it would be a really big shock.

The third option is a military junta. That’s very possible, too. I could see the United States come to the brink of civil war and there be a military junta formed specifically so we might have a Constitutional Convention that would fix the systemic issues the United States face at the moment. We might see a President James Mattis in that particular situation.

That seems unlikely, however. I continue to vacillate widely between thinking it’s obvious that we’re going to have a civil war to it being obvious that we’re going to slip peacefully into autocracy.

I just don’t know which one is going to happen at the moment.

Why America Will Fall

by Shelt Garner

If America either has a civil war or becomes an autocracy, it will happen because of one element of its body politic — the Traditionalists. These are typically white Christians who, in the past, would not see the idea of America being a democracy as a partisan issue.

While they have always been the least progressive of the American body politic, they at least saw the United States as a democracy and would reluctantly, long after everyone has had, embrace change.

My conversations with my Traditionalist family, it is clear that they no longer see the United States as a democracy, in fact, they see us a “constitutional republic” for the specific purposes of protecting their collective power. The Constitution is no longer a venue for the will of the people, it is a firebreak against the encroachment of POC, secularists and feminists.

And that, my dear reader, is why the United States will fall. Because of an extensive permission structure and negative polarization the only “red line” that Traditionalists have is personal. In other words, not until they, specifically, have a personal problem with the new autocratic regime will they sit up and take notice. That will be the moment when they stop being Good Germans and become sudden believers in democracy again.

This is of great concern to ME, because *I* am that personal red line because I fucking refuse to fucking shut up. So, ultimately, when I get drunk at a bar in 2027 and rant about how I think President Pompeo may be skinny now, but he’s a fat fuck and always will be a fat fuck…and ICE swoops in and does God only what to me….THEN my Traditionalists family members will think about something other than how scary brown people or too-sensitive young people are fucking things up for them.

And, so, we have three options between now and January 2025 — autocracy, civil war or military junta. Or, put another way, we’re totally fucked. Nothing and no one will save us. We have to save ourselves. The system is not and will not working.

If you’re someone like the fine people behind the “Mueller, She Wrote” Twitter account and you STILL think somehow, or someway your latest Twitter “boom” will save us — you are a fool. You are a willful fucking fool.

We have some time. Figure out what you believe in and what you’re willing to suffer for in the real world. I don’t write for VOX, I don’t have a received vocal fry for my Tik-Tok, but I do know the truth — I believe in American democracy. That’s my true north. That’s what I’m willing to risk my life and scared honor for.

The System Is Not Working

by Shelt Garner

Besides “Mueller, She Wrote,” blocking me for my “doom shit,” another reason why I got beef with that popular Twitter liberal account is it seems so very clueless about any expectations that some “boom” is going to save us. Rather than expecting ANY accountability for Trump or the extended MAGA New Right, I would hunker down, start reading up on the rise of Hitler and the beginning of the First American Civil war and figure out what you’re willing to do for what you believe in. (In the real world!)

Barring something pretty dramatic I can’t factor in, the years 2024 – 2025 are going to be a historic clusterfuck of monumental scale. The entire post-WW2 liberal order could collapse once a civil war starts in the US. And, really, a civil war doesn’t even have to start. If we get a MAGA autocrat in 2025, then NATO is dead and everything is going to get scrambled and thrown in the air for a few years.

Remember, all of that would be happening right now but for Trump being a lazy moron who could not be a Great Man. The people who voted for Trump in 2016 voted for an autocrat. They thought they were getting an American Hitler. But, lulz, they just got a moron.

So, history is in something of a pause mode at the moment. It will get going again the moment the House flips and Trump (mabye) becomes Speaker. Trump becoming Speaker would be a huge shot across our bow, indicating how totally fucking bonkers the years not just 2024 – 2025 will be but as early as 2023, too.

But the point is — no one is going to save us. America is very unstable right now for a variety of reasons and either we become an autocracy or we have a civil war. Something’s gotta give.

Could The United States Be A ‘Right Wing Dictatorship’ By 2030?

by Shelt Garner

Well, well, well, even “normal” people are beginning to wake up how my “hysterical doom shit” about the fate of American democracy maybe ain’t so “doom shit” after all.


So, while the fine people at the “Mueller, She Wrote” sleep comfortably at night with their full size Mueller pillow in hopes that the system will work and Trump will finally be held accountable — surprise! — everyone realizes we’re totally fucked and Mueller, She Wrote are a group of willful fools with their heads up their collective liberal asses.

The origin of this rant is the buzz around the prognostication of one Thomas Homer-Dixon, who, according to Yahoo! News, “is the founding director of the Cascade Institute at Royal Roads University, British Columbia.”

How’d that work out for you, Mueller, She Wrote?

To make a long story short, he pretty much says exactly what I’ve been ranting about for years now — America, despite the hopes of Mueller, She Wrote, is fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkked. The American Second Republic, founded by Lincoln, is on its last legs. Either we become an Right wing autocratic managed democracy, or we have a civil war that might, just MIGHT establish a Third Republic.

Here’s where Homer-Dixon and I disagree — I see 2024 – 2025 being a lot more bumpy than he does. I think we have three options ahead of us — autocracy, military junta or civil war.

Unless we really go A Handmaiden’s Tale route, I struggle to see the United States become a literal Right wing dictatorship by 2030. We’re far more likely to have a civil war were there are portions of the rubble ruled by a Right wing dictator or we have a post-Constitutional Convention America that politically is identical to modern Russia.

Anyway, the point is — get ready. Things are going to get bumpy for everyone not just in America, but in North America and beyond.

America In Red & Blue — The Clusterfuck That Is ‘Don’t Look Up’ Discourse

by Shelt Garner

When it comes to the storytelling disaster that is “Don’t Look Up,” the movie because of its subject matter, is often seen almost exclusively through the lens of Blue and Red. So, you have Blues who defend it because they like the message and Reds who hate it because they feel attacked.

You have Blues who suggest if you don’t like the movie you’re stupid and Red who say if you like the movie you’re just another globalist cuck who wants to take away red meat and milk because of the Green New Deal is socialist.


I was the audience sweetspot for Don’t Look Up, and upon my first attempted viewing I fucking hated it. I love the movie’s politics, but from a storytelling point of view I found it to be a fucking disaster. It should have been Network, but instead it was Mars Attacks.

But I now that I have learned its ending, I definitely think I will grit my teeth try again. I think what I ran into is how messy whacked out the movie becomes at times, when in general, it’s probably a pretty good movie. Maybe I should do the same thing with Booksmart? Maybe I can get past the screeching over lesbian sex positions? I fucking hated that movie. And, again, I’m the (male) sweetspot for the movie!

Anyway, it is a testament to how fucking divided America is right now that everything, even a movie is both produced and viewed through the lens of Blue and Red. Racist fascism is extremely popular in the United States and as I keep saying — either we slip peacefully into autocracy or we have a civil war with no ready endgame.

All Systems Go

by Shelt Garner

All systems are go with either a real first draft or only-a-second-draft-because-of-my-huge-ego. I spend a few hours last night restructuring things and now I know what to do.

The story has a lot tighter chorology than I ever expected, but I came across some constraints within the logic of the story that I could never expected. But, the point is, this is going to be a very, very fast paced novel for no other reason than the reader is going to realize we’re talking events that take place over barely two weeks, if that.

Events are going to be so tight with this novel, that I’ve thought maybe have a time stamp on each scene might be helpful. But I’ve not decided to do that yet. But it definitely would remind readers that a lot of stuff is going on in just one day.

Anyway, I now am going to do two things. One, a lot of reading. Two, I’m going to try to try to go through the scenes of the first few chapters and do some development stuff with them so I can start writing at full speed in the next few days. But I want to really be prepared since I’m hoping this is going to be so good as to be a second draft that can have beta readers.

Meanwhile, I’m going to also begin to bounce around the other four novels in the series to see about moving them forward as well. I’m going to continue to study Stieg Larsson’s first two books to get some sense of how he did some things in a general way. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo handles some time issues that I need to know how to handle in future books.

I would prefer all my future novels not take place within roughly two week span. I need to figure out how Larsson was able to have books that took place over a longer period of time.

So that’s where things stand. Let’s rock.

Derp: Biden Is Really Tempting The Ghost Of William Henry Harrison Leaving Airforce One In A Blizzard

by Shelt Garner

Why is everything so dumb. Just seeing ancient as hell Biden come down those Air Force One stairs in the middle of a blizzard evokes the memory of William Henry Harrison.


Hopefully, this is just an instance of an old mule refusing to figure out a way to get out the plane in way better suited to an old man. But remember — if, God forbid, anything happened to Biden, President Harrison would be unlikely to get a 50 / 50 Senate to approve, say, Stacey Abrams to be her veep.

As such, if there was a Speaker Trump, he would be just ONE heartbeat away from the presidency.

What a dark scenario.

A Very Dark ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Scenario

by Shelt Garner

I hate to even talk about this dark scenario, but a recent conversation with one of my Traditionalist relatives left me troubled. What if the MAGA New Right finally took someone up on “Let’s Go Brandon?”

The first thing we have to figure out is how and why it happened. If there was no clear link between the MAGA New Right and the event, then, the Right can cry crocodile tears, say “thoughts and prayers” and go back to plotting the end of American democracy.

But if there was some sort of manifesto that said, “I DID THIS BECAUSE OF FOX NEWS,” things grow more problematic. FOX News talking heads and all the hateful MAGA New Right shitheads on Twitter would go dark for 24 to 48 hours while they thought through their talking points. A few less clued-in MAGA New Right shitheads would tweet something tone deaf that go them in trouble.

After a day or so, the same playbook as a really bad mass shooting would be used. This is not the time to politicize this tragedy. We should all unite as a nation (but not behind the new president.) The MAGA New Right would hold their ground, hoping that once people’s anger subsided they could go back to being fucking cocksuckers.

The point is — the MAGA New Right is entirely based on bad faith arguments. They are blood thirsty and are itching to murder people like me in cold blood. At some point, there will be a tipping point — maybe when someone starts to scratch that itch. It could be a civil war, it could be a lone wolf.

But we need to be prepared.

Another Reboot For This First Novel

by Shelt garner

So. Here were are again. I realized something last night — I had cut back the story so much that there was zero character development before the story got going. So, I’ve decided to add back some more scenes and re-structure when and why the second act begins.

I’ve also decided to flesh out the outline AGAIN while rereading a number of basic books about novel structure and character development. This pushes the actual writing back towards mid-month, but it’s worth it in the long-term. And, hopefully, this will speed up the other books in these series as well.

In fact, I might just set aside one day of the week to just tinkering with the other four novels in the series so I’m moving forward with them, too, at the same time as I’m working on this first book.

So, I still have a massive amount of work to do. But I think I’ve figured out a way to speed the process up just about as fast as I can. The reason why I’m starting from scratch is I was looking at my proto first draft and I was like, “Wow, this is great!” So much so that I was having problems thinking what to edit to make a second draft (or 1.5 if you want to get technical.)

Thus, I decided to throw myself at rewriting everything and use sheer force of will to take things to the next level.