‘Delusional’ — #Lyrics To A #Pop #Rock Song

Just screwing around. The word “delusional” is an easy lyric writing prompt because it’s like so many other words syllable-wise.
Lyrics by Shelt Garner

Please give credit if you perform or produce

Would it make me a crank
If I looked at you and winked
Know you’re out of my league
But I’ll try my best
Wear my heart on my sleave
All I ask is you don’t call me

Delusional to think
You could hold my hand in the street
Delusional to believe
You and I could be a thing
Make others envious with your love
All we have to do is give fate a shove

Baby, I’m as sane as can be
You and I could be a fling
One you’ll never forget it’s true
What’s a girl like you to do
When a guy like me bits his lip
Thinking we can ship
Just don’t call me

Delusional to think
You could hold my hand in the street
Delusional to believe
You and I could be a thing
Make others envious with your love
All we have to do is give fate a shove

Tell myself I need to be centered
Keep things in reality
But it’s tough as can be
When I see a bit of your thigh
When you in a skirt walk on by
One day you’ll be mine
Or am I being delusional

Delusional to think
You could hold my hand in the street
Delusional to believe
You and I could be a thing
Make others envious with your love
All we have to do is give fate a shove

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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