Yet More Spooky Tik-Tok Potential Digital Telepathy Shenanigans

by Shelt Garner

For some reason, I’ve found myself with a skin condition similar to what Michael Jackson suffered from. My version is not nearly as bad and, in fact, after I scraped off a huge chunk of skin it now is invisible.

Then, today, I was scrolling through Tik-Tok and…there was a couple doing something in a video and the woman obviously was suffering from the same condition, although hers was far more obvious.

It’s very, very spooky. I’ve told absolutely no one about what happened to my skin until now. The only person who knew it was happening to me, was me. Why would I be pushed that specific video so soon after the idea of having that condition myself had filled my mind? And, what’s more, the woman had the condition on her face in a conspicuous manner — something I was really worried about when I first noticed what was going on.

Very, very strange.

And, yet, it can’t possibly be digital telepathy, right? That’s just crazy talk? I mean, if Tik-Tok was reading American minds, then that means the Chinese government probably has access to that information, as well. So, that can’t be happening. I need to cool it with such talk before people think I’m even more bonkers than they already do.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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