by Shelt Garner
Well, well, well, even “normal” people are beginning to wake up how my “hysterical doom shit” about the fate of American democracy maybe ain’t so “doom shit” after all.
So, while the fine people at the “Mueller, She Wrote” sleep comfortably at night with their full size Mueller pillow in hopes that the system will work and Trump will finally be held accountable — surprise! — everyone realizes we’re totally fucked and Mueller, She Wrote are a group of willful fools with their heads up their collective liberal asses.
The origin of this rant is the buzz around the prognostication of one Thomas Homer-Dixon, who, according to Yahoo! News, “is the founding director of the Cascade Institute at Royal Roads University, British Columbia.”

To make a long story short, he pretty much says exactly what I’ve been ranting about for years now — America, despite the hopes of Mueller, She Wrote, is fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkked. The American Second Republic, founded by Lincoln, is on its last legs. Either we become an Right wing autocratic managed democracy, or we have a civil war that might, just MIGHT establish a Third Republic.
Here’s where Homer-Dixon and I disagree — I see 2024 – 2025 being a lot more bumpy than he does. I think we have three options ahead of us — autocracy, military junta or civil war.

Unless we really go A Handmaiden’s Tale route, I struggle to see the United States become a literal Right wing dictatorship by 2030. We’re far more likely to have a civil war were there are portions of the rubble ruled by a Right wing dictator or we have a post-Constitutional Convention America that politically is identical to modern Russia.
Anyway, the point is — get ready. Things are going to get bumpy for everyone not just in America, but in North America and beyond.