Is Queen Elizabeth II Secretly Dead?

by Shelt Garner

Outside of a few things here and there, I don’t believe in conspiracy theories. The vast majority of them don’t make any sense or are poorly thought out. But, let’s play pretend and imagine one conspiracy theory that is at least interesting to think about.

Is Queen Elizabeth II dead?

The only reason why I think this is even something to consider is her public appearances have dropped off dramatically, and her last public address was recorded. And, authorities have said that her life will “change” in February — which is also when the 70ths anniversary of her being on the throne happens.

The theory is that the Crown REALLY wants QE2 to make it to 70 years on the throne, to the point that they would hide her death between now and February. Or it’s even possible she’s already dead and the address she gave was some sort of uber deep fake.

For me, the only weakness to this theory is how, exactly, they would keep something so huge a secret and how long they would wait between the 70th anniversary and the announcement of her death.

I don’t believe this is really happened, but it is an amusing concept.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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