American Traditionalists No Longer Believe In Democracy

by Shelt Garner

Oh boy. Don’t know what to tell you about this one, guys. But it’s clear to me that the bedrock of American democracy, traditional conservatives, a group I call Traditionalists, no longer believe in democracy. They believe we’re a Constitutional Republic and, as such, when MAGA Republicans play the Constitution like a xylophone to steal elections they will support them.

This makes the Unite States very unstable. The biggest reason being, should the worst happen and something akin to “hang Mike Pence” happens again — they will support it. Or, put another way, if a peaceful coup happens when Republicans manipulate the finer points of the Constitution, they will simply shrug and say, “why are you so upset, we’re not a democracy.”

As such, the center-Left, which does believe we’re a democracy, will grow enraged. And we’ll have a moment of truth. Either they begin to leave the Union and we have a civil war, or they don’t and we slip peacefully into autocracy. Now that it is clear to me what is up with Traditionalists, I feel even more comfortable in my belief that things are going to grow very existential within the United States in the 2024 – 2025 timeframe.

Or, put another way, Traditionalists have thrown their lot with MAGA and fascism, even though they find such a notion very loaded if you talk to them about it. But the fascist political infection has now gone septic and the United States is no more than the Weimar Republic II. And, really, at this point it could go either way — civil war or autocracy — and which direction we ultimately go will probably ultimately be decided by the stupidest of things on a tactical basis that I can’t predict this far out.

The point is — get ready.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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