Trump’s Surreal Right Flank Insurrection

by Shelt Garner

Well, this is surreal. Two of Trump’s most ardent far Right supporters, Candace Owens and Alex Jones are in full blown rebellion against him because of his come to Jesus moment on the effectiveness of vaccines.

Just a few days ago I was writing about something like this having to happen to puncture Der Fuhrer’s air of invincibility, but I didn’t expect it to come from the Right like this. I thought it might be Mike Pence. (Ha!)

So, now what?

You can look at this a few different ways. One way is that Trump has, at last, lost his touch. He’s a hasbeen who has become so addled that he no longer has a natural, innate feel for his base. I guess another idea would be Trump is up to something that will only make sense later.

But the fact remains — if Trump doesn’t get this sorted out soon, people like Mike Pence could, very well, begin to get restless and make a break for it in hopes of destroying Trump once and for all. Pence must know that he’s never going to become president in the conventional way — the most delegates. His only real shot at the moment is a brokered convention where no one would-be autocrat gets enough to win the nomination. He might win the nomination because he promises to put all the other would be autocrats in his cabinet or something.

I’m not counting Trump out quite yet, however. He still has plenty of time to destroy America and potentially start a civil war just by being a dingus.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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