by Shelt Garner
I continue to be amazed by the Traditionalists in my life who either both sides everything into meaningless or just look at me and say, “That’s not going to happen” without any back up explanation.
This same person is also well known for recursive, caveman political thinking when it comes to voter rights which boils down to, “Shut up, it’s true because I say so,” like they’re my parent and I’m their moron child. They want to make it as hard to vote as possible without admitting the reason is they’re racist and don’t want POC to be able to vote because if they do, Republican policies are so unpopular they won’t win elections. (The idea that they might pull their head out of their ass and think up policies that might appeal to brown and black people apparently is too difficult for them.)

Part of all of this is the idea that democracy is bad. The idea that it’s “mob rule” and any time the will of the people is blocked, you can hide behind how the United States is a “constitutional republic” not a democracy. Well, if you think that, fuck you. Fuck you personally.
It’s shit like people hating on democracy that makes me believe we’re either going to have a civil war or turn into an autocracy. Again, if you think I’m being “hysterical” with my “doom shit” — fuck off and fuck you. While you have an ideology, I have cold hard facts to back up what I believe.
And I know I got Trump wrong the first time, but we won’t be so lucky the second time if he runs — and he is going to run. And if you don’t think he is — fuck you. He keeps telegraphing that he is going to run again and he’s popular enough with the mouth breathing hoards that he’s going to win, even without Steve K. Bannon’s “administrative coup.” And all those people who thought Trump is the past and they can vote “three times” for DeSantis will have to do some soul searching.
Of course, in the end, they’ll vote for Trump again because they’re Good Germans who can’t handle doing the right thing and gritting their teeth to save the “mob rule” of democracy.
And if you vote Republican, you’re signing my death warrant because I’m never shutting the fuck up. Even to the point that ICE murders me cold blood.