by Shelt Garner
In any normal time, there would be no way in hell that I would support Liz Cheney for any reason. But these are not ordinary times. Winter is coming, as they say, and the clock is ticking for an enormous clusterfuck that would start in late 2024 to early 2025.
The United States is slowly — right in front of our eyes — transitioning into an autocracy. The center-Left is powerless in the face of the rise of autocratic fascism. Because of the Electoral College, we’re being lulled into a false sense of security about where things stand because the fact that the Democratic Party is actually an array of center-Left parties while the Republican Party is an actual fucking fascist party is being hidden from us.

The GQP is hell bent on destroying the Republic and, as such, it’s going to take people willing to stand on principle to stop them. At the moment, Ms. Cheney is the only person I can think of who makes me sit up and take notice and say, “Now, THAT is principled. That person could give us the leadership the save the Republic.”
It definitely seems as though we’re careening towards either the death of Lincoln’s Second Republic, or the birth of a Third Republic based on a new American Covenant inspired by somewhere like California. Ms. Cheney is all about what The Mooch calls “front stabbing,” just the type of thing we’re going to need from those Radical Moderates that need to exist to re-found the Republic should we have a civil war.
The really sad thing is we have a few years to game out how we’re going to defeat humor tumor Steve K. Bannon’s administrative coup and we’re not rallying behind Ms. Cheney the way we need to. If we’re going to defeat Red States, should things grow…uhhh…existential…for the duration of the crisis we’re currently in, AOC and Ms. Chaney would have to make common cause for the specific purpose of defeating MAGA.
If we’re going to defeat MAGA on the plains of war, we need to build out the political leadership and infrastructure to support such an astonishing event. If we don’t have a civil war, then we’re going to turn into an autocracy and an obscene number of center-Left people will simply vote with their feet and leave the country. (Until that becomes impossible, of course, after the autocrat gets mad.)

The point of all of this is — winter is coming. If we don’t want the United States to become a political clone of Russia starting around 2024 – 2025, we’re going to have to start to think outside the box. Forge strange, surreal alliances with people we may not agree with on a tactical level, but do agree with that we want to keep living in a liberal democracy.
I would suggest you start to read up on the First American Civil War, as well as the rise of the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s. Also, figure out what you believe in and what you’re willing to risk your life and sacred honor for. At best, we’re going to turn into autocracy peacefully and that will be that. At worse, we’re the most powerful nation in the world is going to bomb itself into the Stone Age.
The thing that isn’t going to happen is we continue to drift through history as white people in America become a minority. The rise of Trump, onto itself, should be enough to dissuade anyone from thinking we aren’t in for a few eventful years.