by Shelt Garner
It’s still sinking in that I’ve (essentially) written the first draft of a novel. It’s not perfect, but it is, at about 87,000 words, a novel. Since it’s a first draft, I’m going to soon throw myself back into the project in a big way. I’m trying to use the very end of the year to do a lot of reading, development and mulling how to take this first novel, in what I hope will be a series, to the next level.

I’m scheduled to talk to a manuscript consultant this evening and I’m really looking forward to it. I hate how, because I have no friends and no one likes me, I have had to do all of this hard work in what is essentially a creative vacuum. So, every once in a while, I’m willing to pay someone so I can get some sense of if what I think is going on, is, in fact going on.
Anyway, I really do need to do a lot of reading right now. I’m feeling a lot of pressure within myself to read the book on Hitler’s ascent that I have. It’s a huge, deep tome, but I have to read it if I want to understand what’s going on in the United States right now.
On the development front, once my ankle situation is finally worked out in a few more weeks, I’m going to begin to switch things up every once in a while by dabbling in development with the other four books I’ve come up with.
I have a huge amount of work to do. But after three years of hard work, I’ve finally, finally come up with a first draft that I can be proud of.