by Shelt Garner
Can I cancel “Mueller, She Wrote” on a personal level? There I was, listening to Deep State Radio when I heard someone from the Mueller, She Wrote (podcast? Twitter account?) and I let out a loud groan. I did so because that account blocked me for my “doom shit” some time ago and I feel this was uncalled for. If you don’t think Trump is above the law and we are lurching towards a dark future of autocracy or civil war — YOU ARE A FUCKING FOOL.

It’s just annoying. I’m right and I keep being proven right — and yet I got blocked by an account that a lot of blue check Twitter liberals respect. I don’t want to be unblocked — fuck’em — but that doesn’t stop me from being angry that I was wrongly punished for…being right?
What does “Mueller, She Wrote” expect to happen? Trump be indicted? The system working? Well, I hate to break it to them, but even if that happened, there are a dozen younger, more organized and focused would-be autocrats waiting in the wings to finish the process that Trump began. Again, you’re a fucking fool if you somehow thing magically there will be some sort of reset and there’s anyway that pre-Trump life snaps back into place.
Or best bet is we peacefully slip into autocracy and gradually center-Left people — like the people behind Mueller, She Wrote — will simply leave the country because they can. It will be broke ass fuckers like me who have to figure out how to avoid being unpersoned by ICE or The Patriot Front. And I’ll STILL be blocked by Mueller, She Wrote as all of this is happening.

We need to gird our loins for the massive clusterfuck that we’re rushed towards as a nation. It’s ironic that people who use the rubric “Mueller, She Wrote” would STILL think that somehow, magically, someone is going to save us from fascism. No one is going to save us. We have to save our selves.
And by “save ourselves” I mean, prepare for the possibility of civil war.
If we don’t become an autocracy, the only other option is Blue and Red start to murder each other in cold blood for political reasons. That’s it. In my eyes, I’m not peddling “hysterical” “doom shit,” I’m being something of a pragmatic realist.
We are so totally, completely fucked because white Christian conservatives are unnerved by the rise of what’s going on in Blue Cities and they’re willing to burn our democratic republic to the ground to prevent scary center-Left POC from “canceling them” on a personal basis.
Fuck Mueller, She Wrote. At least I’m seeing things for what they are, not what I “hope” they might be. Ugh.