by Shelt Garner
While things are moving again with this now trilogy of novels, it sure would be nice to have someone to video conference with every once in a while about what’s going on with all of this.
I’ve been working in a creative vacuum for most of the time I’ve been working on this project and it’s really slowed me down. If I had someone, anyone who knew what they were doing to whom I could talk every once in a while that would really help.
And, yet, lulz.

I’m used to figuring things out by myself, so why should this be any different. While it would be *nice* to have a knowledgeable sounding board, I got words to write. So, onward.
The biggest issue of the moment is making sure that the first book has the structure of a novel. The first book deals with a very tight chorology of events so it’s growing difficult to shoehorn in things that are needed for structure. But I’ve managed to figure things out. I’m pleased.
Anyway, here goes nothing.