by Shelt Garner
After yesterday’s dark storms have passed and I’m again feeling good about these four novels. The solution to yesterday’s angst is to recalibrate my estimations about how long this project is going to take. I think I have about two years more ahead of me.
It could be closer to a just a year, but I’m going to assume that given the huge size of this project that two years is definitely a pretty good estimate as to how long all this is going to take.

But this holiday season, I’m going to try to go outside my comfort zone and dabble in things like short stories, reading up on photography and screenwriting. I also hope to read up on some primary text that will help me flesh out some of the personalities of the characters I’m working on. The point of doing this would be to stop making myself feel bad for not meeting the deadline in my own mind about when I was going to finish the first draft of the first book.
All of this makes me think about how Stieg Larsson was able to write three novels at the same time then sell them. Hopefully, I’ll sell my four novels and not take the next step of dropping dead within days of doing so.
Anyway, the point is, I’m back, baby. I’m ready to rock. But I also know that I need to relax and be creative in different ways over the course of the holiday season so when January 1st rolls around, I can throw myself back into these four novels, working smarter, not harder.