by Shelt Garner
American politics is dead. The two sides’ positions have hardened to the point that if you try to talk to politics to with someone you disagree with — you just start screaming at each other.

The two sides no longer believe the same facts or live in the same political reality. There is absolutely nothing — NOTHING — that can get the people who are needed, Traditionalists, to make common cause with libtards like me. Nothing. They’ve made their decision and that decision is autocracy.
In other words, we’re fucked.

The last time this happened in America was the late 1850s. We’re careening towards autocracy or civil war. That’s it. The worrisome aspect to all of this is the MAGA New Right cocksuckers have a huge head start in the real world. Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast is a one-stop-shop of treason and hate. He’s telling his “shock troops” what to do in the real world so, when the time comes, he can flip a switch on an “administrative coup.”
What’s more, Trump is so popular and has such an absolute vise grip on the fascist Republican Party that he probably won’t even have to cheat to win in 2024. And he could even become Speaker of the House in 2023.

As such, we need something to counter Bannon. MAGA has the War Room, we need, I don’t know, The Radical Moderate podcast. Something like that. Something catchy devoted to helping people figure out what they’re going to with these last twilight years before we either peacefully transition into autocracy or we have a civil war.
Someone needs to do this. I would do it but I have no friends and no one likes me. And I’m poor. But I’m also very frustrated that we’re allowing Bannon and his hateful cocksuckers to steal a march on us in the real world while we’re wrapped up in writing Twitter threads with “booms” that don’t effect change in the real world where it matters.
One thing we have to accept is the January 6th Commission could lay out exactly what happened — to the point that Trump is found criminally culpable — and Republicans will STILL win the 2022 midterms, one way or another. So, lulz.
Anyway. What do I know.