by Shelt Garner
I spend a lot of my time thinking of names. And the idea that a name as great as “Shiv Roy” exists drives me crazy. Shiv Roy has got to be one of the greatest character names because I have no idea about the character and yet I do. Shiv, as in a small knife combined with “Roy” which means “sun” or “king” (I think — rex and roy are very similar).
So, while I have never watched an episode of Succession, “Shiv Roy” is so, so great. It’s so loaded that virtually anything the character does is ironic. If she’s sneaky and does “front stabbing” then she lives up to her name. But if she’s not, then that’s an interesting use of a character with a name like that.
Anyway, just had to get that off my chest. Back to thinking up equally great names to populate four novels.