by Shelt Garner
I love Ukraine because, as a nation, they’ve been shit on by the Russians, then Soviets, then the Nazis, then the Soviets again and have managed to maintain their culture and honor. In fact, Ukraine is somewhere I would love to live long-term at some point just to drink a huge amount of vodka and trade stories about stupid shit we’ve all done while drunk.

Anyway, the point is — it’s my impression that there is this amorphous blob of Texas-based mercenaries who go to hot spots all over the globe and kick ass. Now, for political reasons, most of these guys (and gals?) would probably hate my guts, but on a personal basis, I think we would get along pretty well. I’ve had plenty of bonkers MAGA people as friends in the past. (I will note that this was before Trump became president, but, lulz.)
The point is — I hope some of those Texas cowboys are in Ukraine right now. Things could get desperate for the people of Ukraine if, say, 175,000 Russians crash into the country and it sure would help if a few thousand highly trained Texans were to go First Blood on the Russians in eastern Ukraine as they try to consolidate power.
Let’s rock.