Just hold up with a broken ankle and feel like letting off some creative steam by writing some lyrics that will never be produced because I don’t know anything about music. I see this as something someone like, say, The Weeknd, would sing.
Out of Reach
lyrics by Shelt Garner
please give credit if you produce or perform
want to keep you as close
as close as can be
your breath should be warm
on my face
close enough to can get a taste
but I have to accept
that you’re always going to be
out of reach
so close to my skin
it’s a tragedy
but whenever I get closer
you remain out of reach
out of reach
out of reach
don’t you worry babe
one day we’ll be close
I can feel it in my bones
we’re going to rock and moan
but for the time being
we’re just out of reach
out of reach
out of reach
so close to my skin
it’s a tragedy
but whenever I get closer
you remain out of reach
out of reach
out of reach
we’re never going to be apart
your touch will keep us united
no flights of fancy to keep us apart
we’re going to connect and that’s it
I’ll never again after to worr
about you being
out of reach
so close to my skin
it’s a tragedy
but whenever I get closer
you remain out of reach
out of reach
out of reach