‘Say Goodbye’ — #lyrics To A #Pop #Rock #Ballad

I’m drunk and sad. So, I’m writing a bit of doggerel to make myself feel better. the general vibe of this song would be Garbage’s “Drive You Home.” Something along those lines.
Say Goodbye
lyrics by Shelt Garner
Please give credit if you produce or perform.

you go out of your way
to tell me you saw me
make me think we’re cool
soon you’re gone and I’m alone
at the bar
at the bar
I think to text you but refrain
you’re with your friends
maybe later, later, later
then I turn to look your way
and you’re gone

gone without
saying goodbye
saying goodbye
saying goodbye
your empty seat
is the closest I have
to you answering my questions

now I’m alone at the bar
feeling sad
thinking of the conversations
we never had
never had, never had
but you’ve got someone
and I have no one
so you like me, but can’t be too nice
your empty seat tells all I need to know

you’re gone
gone without
saying goodbye
saying goodbye
saying goodbye
your empty seat
is the closest I have
to you answering my questions

if you were still seated
would you smile my way
let me think I might get laid
or would we both be too afraid
to ruin what you’ve got
would we ever let our lust
run riot

you’re gone
gone without
saying goodbye
saying goodbye
saying goodbye
your empty seat
is the closest I have
to you answering my questions

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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