Given that I don’t know anything about music, this is very moot and very silly, but it is fun to see if I can write a poem meant to be sung REALLY FAST.
Edit A Blank Page
lyrics by Shelt Garner
Please give credit if you produce or perform.
you can’t edit a blank page
there’s more than enough
written on my heart
from the start
for me to think
I’ve gone a lot of work to do
rewriting our love
so I want to sing praises
to the Heaven’s above
you can’t edit a blank page
you can’t edit a blank page
you can’t edit a blank page
I’ve got my pen out ready to mark
cross out all the sin we’ve committed
thinking maybe that will mend
my way to the gates of Heaven
if I don’t succeed then we’ll meet
at the gates of Hell
for all the pleasure we’ve had
you can’t edit a blank page
you can’t edit a blank page
you can’t edit a blank page
words fail me
I’ve got so many to say
but for the moment I summon a blank
because I want to be so frank
about how you hurt me in the dark
when your words were too sharp
you can’t edit a blank page
you can’t edit a blank page
you can’t edit a blank page