‘Red October’

by Shelt Garner

Oh my God, I learned the reason the White House was bathed in red light was it’s Breast Cancer awareness month. Jesus Christ is the MAGA New Right a bunch of paranoid idiots.

Well, that certainly is one way to wake on up October 1st.

I have to give the fucking cocksucker MAGA New Right credit, they make the foolish online “Resistance” of the Trump Era look like good. Just because the White House lights looked red in the middle of the night, they literally think it’s the End of The World.

But apparently human potato head Dan Scavino got into the action as well when he tweeted this picture out:

Given that the mid-terms are a year away and it would be Red NOVEMBER we would be talking about, I’m at a loss as to what this all means. But, apparently, it means something because the MAGA New Right is freaking the fuck out. They’re going nuts over the idea of a “Red October.”

Hopefully, this is just more nutty MAGA New Right froth and we can all just roll over and go back to bed. Idiots.

Steve K. Bannon’s Podcast Whackpack Needs Me

by Shelt Garner

At the moment, the only way I can tolerate listening to fucking human tumor Steve K. Bannon’s podcast is if I drink a huge amount of rye. And, yet, I find something about it interesting. And there’s something missing: me.

He and I are in some ways so similar that I think it would be amusing to have us play off each other. Having someone who, like, uh, disagrees with him, is the element that’s missing to his hate-filled, rage-filled podcast. He and Peter Navarro get way too overheated with their self-generated bullshit that it would be quite entertaining to have me in the mix.

People would download the podcast specifically to hear me get “owned.”

I think what I see with his podcast is has a lot of potential from a surreal, over-the-top entertainment level, more than any kind of serious podcast. It pretty much like listening to Howard Beale rant on a podcast.

Adding me to the mix would be very interesting and entertaining. I know I like to rant a lot on this blog, but I can also be quite measured in my conversations when need be.

Is Stephen Colbert Funny?

by Shelt Garner

Short Answer: Yes. Very

Long Answer: It depends. I find Colbert consistently funny night after night. And, yet, you continue to hear within fucking cocksucker MAGA New Right circles that he’s not funny. He’s a part of “the system” and he’s just another portion of the liberal propaganda machine.

Depends on who you ask.

I struggle to sort such thinking out because I really like what Colbert has done with his show since Trump took office. But, I think what I’m having difficulty understanding is there are people within the MAGA New Right personality death cult who actually like fucking cocksucker Donald Trump and get very upset if you pick on him.

It just boggles my mind.

The crux of the issue, I think is two fold. One, generally to be funny is to be center-Left. By definition. It’s extremely difficult to be funny and conservative because telling a joke is meant to be a somewhat Leftist act unto itself. Second, fascists are not know for having the greatest senses of humor. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Trump laugh once in his public life.

Also, I think Colbert has established himself as the most newsy of the late night talk shows and so he’s willing to play it straight — not be funny on purpose — to convey some not-so-great news to his audience. As such, the cry babies of the MAGA New Right watch Colbert and get upset.

I just don’t take myself that seriously in general. And it’s self-evident that Trump is an humorless piece of shit. So, you have to forego humor if you support him.

If Glenn Youngkin Is Governor Of Virginia in 2025, He Might Get Overthrown In A Coup

by Shelt Garner

I can’t predict the future. I have no idea what is going to happen. I’m wrong so often that it’s comical. But, lulz, I have psychological need to make my abstract fears concrete so let’s talk about Glenn Youngkin.

I’m of the opinion that despite sage admonishments by Larry Sabato to the contrary, given that Virginia is a functioning democracy — unlike North Carolina — that it’s inevitable that some MAGA New Right cocksucker is going to become governor.

That’s the kind of bullshit you have to worry about when one of your two major political parties is fascist.

So, it’s reasonable to believe that what would otherwise be pretty mundane — a Republican governor in Virginia in 2025 — could have some pretty huge fucking consequences.

Namely, a Governor Youngkin would be a prime candidate for an actual fucking coup if the country collapsed. I say this Virginia is actually two different states. You have the autocratic Trumplandia rural parts and everything else. It’s easy to imagine Youngkin throwing his lot with a MAGA presidential candidate and doing everything in his power to throw the state to the Red side, even to the point of outright nullification.

This would not sit well with the otherwise placid, moderates of Virginia.

If the shit really hit the fan, Virginia is probably doomed. It’s going to implode and either Youngkin flees to somewhere like, I dunno, Danville, or he’s overthrown altogether.

It might not be very pretty.

But, I can’t predict the future. All my dystopian nightmare scenarios may be, in the end, just that.