by Shelt Garner
I continue to grow more and more impressed with how passionate and articulate the #NeverTrump members are. They’re not perfect. In fact, some of those associated with The Lincoln Project have done some pretty sketchy things.
But, the thing about the prominent #NeverTrumpers is they have principles and guts. And a lot of them are born leaders who will definitely rise to the occasion should the dead hand of history decides to give them the opportunity to do so.
They could very well save the Union.
Now, given the radical forces — both Leftist and fascist — that any actual civil war would unleash, the fact that rock solid conservatives would be in charge of saving the Union (or at least the Blue State part of it) will probably lead to some pretty surreal political events.
So, in a sense, it would be if instead of Lincoln during the Civil War, it was a War Democrat.
Anyway, for #NeverTrumpers to be given the opportunity to lead Blue States, things would have gotten pretty fucking bad. The most logical way this would happen would be Blue States leave the Union when Red States simply nullify a Biden re-election in Congress and the country buckles.
If something like that happened, then be prepared for some pretty dramatic, and radical, events to take place in the United States very, very quickly. The moment the inevitable happens and WMD are used domestically, ooooh by.
If we slip peacefully into autocracy, then all the #NeverTrumpers will gradually be exiled, imprisoned or worse. Far Worse.