by Shelt Garner
I can’t predict the future. I have no idea what is going to happen. I’m wrong so often that it’s comical. But, lulz, I have psychological need to make my abstract fears concrete so let’s talk about Glenn Youngkin.

I’m of the opinion that despite sage admonishments by Larry Sabato to the contrary, given that Virginia is a functioning democracy — unlike North Carolina — that it’s inevitable that some MAGA New Right cocksucker is going to become governor.
That’s the kind of bullshit you have to worry about when one of your two major political parties is fascist.
So, it’s reasonable to believe that what would otherwise be pretty mundane — a Republican governor in Virginia in 2025 — could have some pretty huge fucking consequences.
Namely, a Governor Youngkin would be a prime candidate for an actual fucking coup if the country collapsed. I say this Virginia is actually two different states. You have the autocratic Trumplandia rural parts and everything else. It’s easy to imagine Youngkin throwing his lot with a MAGA presidential candidate and doing everything in his power to throw the state to the Red side, even to the point of outright nullification.
This would not sit well with the otherwise placid, moderates of Virginia.
If the shit really hit the fan, Virginia is probably doomed. It’s going to implode and either Youngkin flees to somewhere like, I dunno, Danville, or he’s overthrown altogether.
It might not be very pretty.
But, I can’t predict the future. All my dystopian nightmare scenarios may be, in the end, just that.