by Shelt Garner
I’ve wasted an embarrassing amount of paper and ink spinning my wheels on this huge creative project I’m working on. But I think, maybe, it’s possible that now that I have a better handle on the characters in this series that I may be able to sprint forward.
But I’m still very much deep in the delusional phase of all of this. Because I’m both very delusional about what’s going on and I have a huge ego, I find myself thinking about who might play different characters in these various novels. The whole four novel series hinges on the extremely poor life choices of a young woman in the first novel .
Anyway, I’m basing this tragic young woman on the late, great Annie Shapiro. It’s kind of my homage to someone who really changed my life, to essentially try to tell her story in a garbled, muddled, extremely fictionalized fashion.
It occured to me recently that Jennifer Lawrence would be the perfect person to play this tragic young lady in any movie adaptation. I have long thought Ms. Lawrence would be great to play the late Annie Shapiro in a movie about the fucked up events surround ROKon Magazine, but these four novels draw very heavily from what happened in late 2006 – early 2007 in Seoul. I feel very sheepish saying this because I haven’t even finished the the first draft, but it’s fun to think about. The only reason why I’m even writing this is 100% extroverted and I can’t help myself.

It goes without saying that I really need to put up or shut up. I’ve been talking about this project for years now and still don’t have anything I can really show anyone other than one or two really strong outlines.
I hope to make a first pass at fleshing out one of those outlines — the one for the first novel — in the next few days. This is a huge, huge creative project, but I love to challenge myself with such things. But I really do need to shut the fuck up and write.