Thinking The Unthinkable: A Creative Coup

by Shelt Garner

Since 9/11, a lot of people far smarter than me have wargamed every possible creative way the US might be attacked by international terrorists. But, at the moment, that seems rather quaint.

If we’re going to get attacked in some coordinated manner, we’re probably going to get attacked by a deranged group of MAGA New Right people. At the moment, on first glance, it seems as though if a small cadre of committed conspirators went after the US government with the aim of getting Trump back in office they just could not pull it off.

The chief issue is — the line of presidential succession is, at the moment, all Democrats. But, just today, something happened and I grew alarmed.

Because the Senate is split 50 / 50, if you were an evil cabal of coup plotters with enough organization, you actually could successfully stage a coup in the United States.

The moment you, God forbid, knock Vice President Harris out of the picture after Biden, she would no longer be there to break a tie and, the case could be made that Sen. Grassely would become president pro tempore of the Senate and, as such if you’ve successfully knocked out Speaker Pelosi, he would become president.

Then, citing his advanced age, he named Trump his veep and steps down.

Or, at the very least, if the attack happened very quickly the moment you had successfully knocked out Biden, Harris and Pelosi (how you could possibly effect this, I have no idea) the country would be thrown into a huge, lingering chaos because Republicans would say Grassley is president while Democrats would say Sen. Leahy was.

The issue would be so up in the air that that, in itself, could potentially start a civil war.

The above is all very speculative and dark. But it’s something to think about.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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