by Shelt Garner

Attempting to develop and write four novels all at once has greatly improved my overall writing ability. And all the hep cats are doing a Substack these days, so, recently on a lark, I signed up there.
Update: here’s a link to my first post.
My first impression is it’s just Medium fused with MailChimp, but lulz, what do I know. But I got my first sign up recently — even though I haven’t written anything — and so just having one person signed up feeds my already huge ego enough that I’m prompted to actually write something using the service.
My Substack is called Trumplandia and it will be a lot like you’ve read here without me whining about how difficult it is to work on four novels at once or me navel gazing about why people who work at VOX probably thing I’m an Internet loser crank. Having given it some thought, I think what I’m going to do is be a lot more formal with my Substack.
Instead of getting drunk off of rye and ranting about my fears of a civil war or autocracy coming to the United States, I’m going to sketch out each post and give them some thought. The medium is the message and all that.
Please sign up and spread the word. Because I’m pretty sure I have a relative who reads this blog secretly, I may save my more controversial hating on MAGA for the Substack. I’ll still stay they’re collectively a piece of shit, I’ll just say it in a far more diplomatic fashion.
For the moment, this is just an experiment. I have a lot on my plate — which is what I like — so there may be an irregular regularity to when each Substack post is published. In a way, being able to grow a Substack is similar to growing a zine, so it’s right up my alley. Or not. Lulz.
I have very, very low expectations and for the time being my Substack presence will be more about simply proving to myself I still have it in me to write about politics without saying “fuck” a lot.
I look forward to seeing you in the audience.