by Shelt Garner
I have been using brute creative force on these four novels to a great deal of success the last few days. I may finally have an outline for the first novel that is stable enough that I can begin to focus on the next steps of the individual scene summaries and actually writing scenes as well.
It’s been a whole lot of work getting to this point. I must have worked a solid five or six hours today figuring out how to make the first novel’s outline sea worthy.
Having said all that, however, my personal life is going to get in the way for a few days as part of an extended weekend. As such, I’m probably just going to read and watch movies and TV shows to psych myself up for a huge push back into writing early next week.
In some respects, this is really annoying because I was hoping to start writing again on August 1st. But, lulz, that’s obviously not going to happen.
Come to think of it, in an effort to prevent my mind from overheating, I might spend this forced pause also trying to punch up the outline of the second book in the series. The third book’s outline — which was originally the first novel — is pretty much finished. The fourth book’s outline, however, is not.
I have made great process with these four books. And I really regret talking so much about this whole thing over the things. And, yet, I’m so extroverted, what else did you expect would happen?
But one thing that writing these four novels at the same time is really helping with is as my writing improves, I’m able to improve all the novels at the same time.
Anyway. I have a huge amount of development and writing to do.