by Shelt Garner
So, my dark predictions about what might happen with Trump and Cyber Ninjas in Arizona have proven to be correct: idiot Trump is now demanding that Biden’s win in Arizona (and other states) be “decertified.”
If the events of January 6th have proven anything to us, it’s that under the right conditions, the constant barrage of bullshit that Trump generates can have actual real-world consequences. Given what happened in January, it’s reasonable to assume that what starts off as an effort to “decertify” Biden’s win in Arizona becomes Nullification Conventions which become Secession Conventions.
And, yet, Trump isn’t getting any traction with this insane demands — to date. Is it possible that I will be both right and wrong? One one hand, Trump will demand that the Biden Administration be “nullified”…but nothing happens. No one listens to him and it just becomes another MAGA talking point.
It’s a very curious situation.