The MAGA New Right Is Extremely Volatile

by Shelt Garner

It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. The conditions are there, if nothing else, for some sort of fucked up and coordinated terrorist strike against liberal and anti-MAGA targets on the part of MAGA or the New Right or whatever the fuck they call themselves now.

If it happened, here’s what I think would be the reaction upon the Right’s “thought leaders.” First, there would be a whole lot of silence as they figured out what their talking points were. It would be radio silence for about 24 hours. This would leave the faithful out to dry as people like me flipped out and pined the conservatives in their lives down on how they could possibly support a movement that incited such an atrocity — whatever it it ends up being.

Then, once the talking points are straighten out, these MAGA New Right “thinkers” would do two things — one, they would say “thoughts and prayers” and then they would do a whole lot of distancing. They would say the individual or individuals who did the Fucked Up Thing were obviously unstable and they can’t be held responsible for their actions. Or, they’ll say they weren’t REALLY MAGA New Right cocksuckers, even if there was a manifesto written that said, “We did this bad thing because of MAGA New Right thought leaders.”

Then, depending on what idiot Trump said on the matter, there would be a gradual drift towards embracing these MAGA New Right terrorists as a regular fucking vanguard of the proletariat.

The point is — our politics is so fucking warped because of macro issues that we have to stop laughing at how dumb the MAGA New Right is and sit up and take notice — these fucking cocksuckers are a clear and present danger and they’re going to start hurting people (like me) soon enough.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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