by Shelt Garner
I’ve been working on this novel for several years now. There are a number of ways to look at this. One way is to say I’m simply spinning my wheels and I’m being too hard on myself — I need to just finish a first draft, any first draft. Another way to look at this I had absolutely no idea what I was doing when I started and it’s just taken a lot of different versions to finally produce something good.
But if the reaction of my alpha readers is any indication, I’ve finally reached something akin to what I want to do. The latest reason why I threw everything out is the first act had grown very bloated. This became very obvious when I changed the indicting incident and realized that I had way too much going on in the first act.
I hope to wrap up a new version of the outline very soon. Things have really clicked with this version and I think I should be able to get back to writing very soon.
That’s the goal, at least.