by Shelt Garner
Oh boy. We’re one SCOTUS ruling away from not just the end of Roe V. Wade, but potentially a complete outlawing of abortion in America — next up, contraception itself.
The political implications of this could be eye raising. The United States, at least in my opinion, is pretty politically unstable right now. If you enraged a sizable portion of the American female population, that’s not exactly going to help. In fact, if you really wanted to get dark about it, if SCOTUS does as I fear, we might look back at the decision as something of a modern Dred Scott.
I say this because outlawing abortion across the entire United States would be a pretty significant shot across the bow of Blue States. Though, I will note the thing that MAGA fucktards are oblivious to is how popular giving women the failsafe of abortion is across a wide swath of women — a lot of conservative women, on a personal level, secretly support abortion for themselves.
Anyway, outlawing abortion altogether would cause an unprecedented amount of political turbulence in the United States. MAGA Republicans will have, at last, “caught the car” and for a few days (hours?) crow that, at last, all conceptions must be brought to term no matter fucking what.
Then, of course, after Blue State women recover from the shock of this dipshit decision…the pendulum will begin to move back in the other direction. The issue is, does it take 50 years to do it again?