by Shelt Garner
Almost all of this blog’s traffic now comes from people nervous about a Second American Civil War or revolution sometime soon. Given where most of these people are from, it definitely seems as though a bunch of MAGA good old boys search for this subject while drinking Millar Lites on the back porch of their cabin with a good buddy.
I would guess this happens because of this or that perceived slight on the part of “libtards” get them so worked up they start to think a Second American Civil War is bound to happen any moment now.
I’m growing alarmed by events in Arizona. It definitely seems as though the Arizona Republican Party is absolutely determined to do as many recounts of their presidential votes as necessary to prove that Trump won. This go round, they’ve gone so far as to pick a brand name in the “Stop The Steal” movement to be among those conducting the recount. And, from what I can tell, security isn’t so great where their doing the recount. AND, Trump has demanded the National Guard be called in to monitor the recount.
So, much fear is, after yet another recount, Arizona Republicans will “prove” that Trump “won” and, as such, this will set off a chain reaction. Trump will first run around crowing that he won Arizona after all. It will become gospel among Republicans that Trump won Arizona. It will be come a talking point that Republicans pivot to whenever there is a discussion of the 2020 election. Another thing that might happen is other states that Trump feels he should have won will do the exact same thing and before you know it, the country will become very, very unstable.
Could it be Second American Civil War in 2021 unstable? Unclear. It’s possible, but not probably. So, I guess if you want to fuck your gun, you can think about Arizona while you sodomize your AR-15 or something. But if Arizona Republicans manage to flip their state to Trump — even if it’s debunked — then we really are careening towards civil war or autocracy in 2024-2025.
As for 2021, I’m reluctant to think we’re going to have a civil war so early.