by Shelt Garner
It’s no sealed train, but I’m going to drive up to DC this weekend for a writer’s retreat. It is extremely unlikely that any sort of coup would happen this weekend of all weekends — seems like it’s more likely to happen around the time of the certification of votes or the voting of the Electors — but I’m ready if it happens.
By “ready” I mean getting myself ready to say, “Hey! Why are you beating the shit out of me! I didn’t do anything!” Or, more darkly, dodging rubber bullets directed at my eyes and face.
I fully expect my writer’s retreat to go off without a hitch. I’ll spend some time in DC, do some sightseeing, get a lot of development done and that will be that. I look forward to an uneventful few days in the nation’s capital.
I’m just nervous because, well, (waves around) all this.