by Shelt Garner
It boggles my mind that a sizable portion of MAGA-Qanon are so oblivious to how much they are getting using peaceful means that they would start hurting people simply because they were “triggered” because their guy didn’t win on election day.
The American political system is so dominated by MAGA-Qanon (MAGAQ), and macro trends are so in their favor, that if they started hurting people, all of that may go poof! pretty quick.
I say this because political violence is so alien to modern Americans that the idea that dipshit MAGAQ would start shooting people (or whatever the fuck they want to do) is enough that they may lose everything. Americans have a strong sense of justice and hurting people is A Bad Thing for 99% of us. And, yet, here we are.
I keep seeing shithead guys with tiny cocks and big guns walking around threatening people.
As an aside — what I think is going to happen is these fucktards are going to firebomb polling stations on Election Night so we can’t figure out who won. Then TrumpBarr seizes “total control” as has already been suggested. Then either the really do turn into Putin’s Russia, or we are absolutely forced against our will to fight back.
I hate that. I don’t want that. I just want a functioning liberal democracy.
That should not be a big deal.