by Shelt Garner
Since I can’t go to NYC this weekend and enjoy a nice fall day, I’m going to sit down and do as much reading as possible. I’m going to re-read, at least, some of The Martian and The Compass of Character.
I have a few other books I want to read, as well. It’s interesting how well this reboot of the novel is going. Really, after I write (or rework) a few scenes, I should be in a good position to enter the second half of the first draft of the novel. It may take me a little longer than I’d like, but I can still pull it off a lot sooner than you might think.
I wish I was younger. Then I’d move to LA and try my hand at being a screenwriter – actor — director. But that’s just not to be. I’m definitely too old to think about being an actor. Also, my mind isn’t properly wired to be an actor. Actors have to memorize lines. I would be like Joey on Friends if I had to anything like that — especially now.
But a novel I can do.
I just have some serious existential tinkering to do with this thing on a number of different levels. I’m going to work with at least one novel consultant in the next few days.