Crazy Talk: Idle Musing About That Asteroid Headed To Earth Just Before Election Day

by Shelt Garner

The following is just for fun. But I have an extremely overactive imagination, so let’s mull it. A small asteroid is headed pretty much straight towards earth and will show up just before Election Day here in the United States.

Just to be silly, let’s imagine if that “asteroid” was actually an alien probe of some sort. The first question is, how would we know?

Well, let’s get some things out of the way first.

I’m of the opinion that just like when Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World everyone pretty much knew the world was round, I think within the scientific community it’s probably assumed the universe is full of life. The issue, of course, is where is everybody?

Then we come to another question — what about how The New York Times keeps telling us in dribs and drabs that the U.S. Government has curious evidence that We Are Not Alone. If aliens have been whizzing around the skies of earth — how did they get here?

Anyway, with that out of the way, let’s go back to the asteroid. I fully believe that the whole thing is going to be a dud. The asteroid will zip by the earth and we won’t even notice because we’ll be so wrapped up in the impending election.

And, yet, what if the asteroid began to slow down as it grew closer to earth? It makes you wonder how the press would handle such a curious event.

Then, if you really wanted to make a leap of imagination, what if the asteroid really was an alien probe and it make itself known somehow? How would that affect things?

It makes you wonder if we could even hold the election in the United States if Election Day was also The Day The Earth Stood Still. Then there’s the whole issue of Trump, well, being Trump. He’s so bonkers God only knows how he would react to First Contact.

But that’s all very delusional of me. I’m sure the asteroid is, in fact, just an asteroid and Election Day will be depressing because the Russians will hack directly into our election systems as predicted.

The Russians Are Going To Hack Directly Into Our Election Systems As Part of a Quid Pro Quo With House Trump

by Shelt Garner

I am obsessed with my Webstats. I check them all the time. Very, very few people look at this blog and it is very addictive to see who comes to this site and from where.

I noticed something interesting a few days ago — a whole slew of people using Google Proxy looked at this site. A few of those people were from Russia, of all places. This reminds me of the advice I gave the Russians on this blog about when they inevitably hack into our election systems because Trump has removed 1/3 of our troops from Germany — don’t get greedy. (If that doesn’t work, Trump is going to beg Putin do this when they meet up in person in September.)

This causes me some existential angst. If those hits from Europe and Russia really were Russians interested in my theory they were going to hack into our election systems, did I give them advice they will actually use to hide their tracks? Should I have just kept that observation to myself?

While that sounds rather delusional, stranger things have happened.

I don’t think people really appreciate how craven House Trump is when it comes to staying in power. They are going to throw everything at the election to steal it — fucking with elections is their jam, after all — and so it’s painfully clear that one of their strategies to steal the election will work.

So, it is very easy to imagine that mysteriously Trump squeaks out a win just like he did before and we’ll just chalk it up to “shy Trump voters” or the power of Trump voters on boats. It is going to be interesting if we ever figure out the whole hacking situation in time to pressure Electors to not vote for Trump.

I seriously doubt it.

If it’s not Trump fucking with the postal service, it will be the Durham Investigation. If it’s not the Durham investigation, it will be the Russian hackers. The list goes on.

As such, darkness is here.

I keep saying I wish I was smart enough to tell you how to manage the new reality of Trumplandia, but I’m not. I have no idea. You’re own your own.

I guess maybe see if you can survive for about 40 years until AOC is let out of prison so she can serve as our Nelson Mandela or something.

We Have To Be Willing To Risk Things In The Real World Now

by Shelt Garner

I hate to sound so dark and dystopian. I wish I could give you “hope” that somehow, some way House Trump will be defeated in the fall and we can go back to “normal.” Sadly, there’s no metric I can point to that suggests that. Everything points to a spectrum of autocratic rule.

On one end, House Trump “wins” reasonably easily. If that’s the case, then we will continue or gradual drift towards an autocratic managed democracy. We’ll look back, rightly, at Trump’s acquittal by the Senate as the end of the First Republic. On the other end of the spectrum there’s a civil war of some sort. The more difficult it is for House Trump and its enablers to maintain power, the more radical they will become for no other reason than they’ll be desperate and won’t care what they have to break to keep power.

I continue to talk to liberals who are completely delusional about all of this. They scoff that Trump has it in him to do anything so drastic. What they miss is while Trump is a criminally incompetent autocrat, he’s still an autocrat that has a personality cult to back him up and absolutely no institution with the power to check his craven need to protect his own hide.

We have to begin to think about some pretty basic concepts about what it means to be American. Just like how the Roman Empire gradually declined and then fell really, really fast, so, too, will the First Republic go. Americans are simply too divided and / or apathetic to do anything, in real terms, about House Trump. The logic necessary for House Trump and MAGA to run roughshod over the Constitution in an effort to stay in power is already there.

As such, there’s going to come a point when the milquetoast “resistance” on social media is going to be faced with some very real world decisions. I’m a man of peace, a man of ideas, but I’m absolutely never fucking shutting up about the tyranny of House Trump. If that means I get snatched off the street or pushed out a window by ICE or Little Green Men, so be it.

The cold, hard reality that America is now nothing more than a fascist state does give one pause for thought. The simple act of not shutting up, no matter what, about House Trump’s tyranny will soon enough be a radical act. The whole thing is rather unexpectedly existential. I mean, all I want to do is exercise my 1st Amendment right to free speech.

Once House Trump purges the media of all the “fake news,” then lulz, I’m going to be in serious, serious trouble. How is anyone going to know that people are being pushed out of windows if there’s no press to report it?

I keep thinking about the original “V” miniseries about lizard people aliens taking over the world. There was an old woman who fought back in her own personal way as it became clear who the “visitors” really were. And, I guess that’s my fate if the worst happens. I’ll figure out some way to do my part to help whatever meager “resistance” there may be to the tyranny of House Trump in the coming years.

It will definitely be interesting to see how, exactly, things shake out. I guess in the end there will be some sort of alliance with Russia as the United States pulls out of NATO. That will be interesting.

But, if anything, I’m a survivor.

Just About To Enter The Second Act of The First Draft of The Novel

by Shelt Garner

I’m going to take a break from “doom scrolling” on Twitter to give as much attention as possible to the novel. This is the most stable the novel has been to date.

The only issue right now is I have a huge hole in the outline that I have to flesh out. But given how strong what I’ve written is so far, I hopeful that won’t be too much of a problem. I should be able to fill out the outline well before the end of the month.

I have given myself a pretty tight deadline to wrap up the first draft, for no other reason than this fall is going to be a massive clusterfuck and I’m apt to be rather distracted.

One issue I simply don’t know is the actual chronology of events after I finish the first draft. I don’t know how long it’s going to take me to finish the second draft and then turn around and write the third draft (after some beta readers give me input) so I can turn around and query that to an agent.

There’s just a lot I don’t know. But that’s kind of the fun of all of this in the first place, the “learning by doing” aspect of it all. What’s more, this whole project is meant to be a two book, one story type of deal so soon I’m going to be starting up on developing the second book.

The Twilight Of The First American Republic

by Shelt Garner

The First American Republican is now in its final days, its twilight. House Trump has been established and there’s nothing to stop its final consolidation of power. The coming 2020 election won’t even be a speed bump to this inevitability. At this point, the only issue is on what end of the spectrum will House Trump’s victory be.

Will it on Election Day or soon there after, or will it be a few months later when House Trump forces the issue via a civil war. I guess if you wanted to be extremely optimistic, you might suggest that there’s a chance House Trump might lose such a civil war, but I seriously doubt it. House Trump always wins no matter what, so why should a civil war be any different?

The easier it is for House Trump to win the 2020 Election, the longer this final twilight period in the First Republic’s existence will linger. In the end result will be the same, however — America will be an autocratic managed democracy and a vassal state of Russia, to boot.

The media is going to be purged. People across the country will simply vanish. And those opponents of House Trump who don’t vanish will be pushed out a window. The only way any one living in the Trumplandia will know this happened is because of reports from the BBC and others. The once vibrant press in the former United States will be dead.

A Constitutional Convention will be convened and House Trump vision of America will be codified once and for all. All of this will last for about 40 years until long-term demographic trends are simply too powerful for House Trump and it becomes possible that some sort of Second Republic may struggle out of the rubble of the First. But even that is iffy.

In the 2021-2022 timeframe, Trumplandia will leave NATO and sign an alliance with Russia. Ironically, this will allow the peaceful long-term ascent of China on the world stage as Trumplandia gradually begins to pull its forces back to the homeland. America First, after all.

This is our future. The details my be wrong, but in general, all that is America’s future. We just can’t see it because it’s on the macro historical scale. I’m not saying I have any sort of reveled truth, but it seems pretty obvious to me America is a fascist state.

I simply don’t see anything possibly stopping House Trump from consolidating power at a rapid clip.

Prove me wrong.

The Curious Case Of Joe Rogan

by Shelt Garner

The United States is one stolen election away from formally becoming an autocratic “managed democracy” like they have in Russia. One of the more curious media phenomena in this politically overheated moment in our history is Joe Rogan.

Now, let make it absolutely clear that this “media commentary’ on my part is cursory and breezy. I’m just using what I feel I know off the top of my head, so I’m going to be rather fuzzy about some details.

But, anyway, in general, it seems as though Rogan wants it both ways. He was main stream acceptability, while at the same time refusing to pick a side in the political division America finds itself in. He wants to, with a wink and a nod, support MAGA without coming out and saying it. He hides behinds a facade of masculine earnestness, which is why he has earned the nickname “Oprah for Dudes.”

He knows that if he can have a thin veneer of main stream credibility, his cultural relevance will be significantly greater. But it seems to me that this whole thing is a massive cop-out. There simply is no credible reason not to pick a side and this point. Besides, we all know if push comes to shove Rogan is MAGA.

Which raises an interesting question.

Now that the United States is a fascist state, is it possible that Rogan is playing the long game? He’s a young guy, if he plays his cards right he could very well find himself in line to be far, far close to the Oval Office than any of us could possibly otherwise imagine.

It might be a decade or so before House Trump allows anyone other than a Trump to be president, but the possibility is very real. Things will be so dark by then, of course, that Rogan may be one of the few independent voices left in the media, period.

Anyway, Rogan is a reasonably good interviewer. The only real problem I have with him is he’s kind of a media gateway drug to the Alt Right and Qanon.

Trump’s October Surprise: The Durham Investigation

by Shelt Garner

It is an immutable law of nature that one of the many ways Trump is going to steal the 2020 Election is the outcome of the bullshit Durham investigation into the origins of the Mueller investigation.

Really, the only question at this point is how close are they going to get to Biden himself?

Given how deranged Trump is, I would probably guess they’ll do something a tick or two more potent than the Second Comey Letter. Something whereby at just the right moment, they can plant a seed of doubt in the minds of the electorate so Trump wins.

And, by the way, if you’re reading this because you’re a MAGA piece of shit stroking one off to the idea of this very thing happening — eat shit you fucking fascist.

But maybe I’m not looking at this right. Maybe Trump will be so desperate by October that he’ll indict Biden himself. That would probably be enough to end Biden’s campaign and Trump would actually “win” the election even without his fucking with the post office or getting Russians to directly hack into our election systems.

It won’t matter that the entire thing is bullshit and we’ll figure it out eventually. All that will matter Trump is he “won” the election and he can go in for the final consolidation of power. That’s it. That’s all he will care about. You can protest all you like. You can rant about it all you want to on Facebook and Twitter. But Trump will still be in power and fuck you.

The darkness is here politically. House Trump has established Trumplandia. The Thousand Year Trump is the be all end and end all of American politics.

Absolutely nothing indicates to me that I’m wrong. Durham may not indict Biden directly, but somehow, someway, the Durham investigation is going to help Trump “win” the election.

The Politics Of Fascist America

by Shelt Garner

The United States is now fascist. This started the moment Trump was aquitted by the Senate. Trump is going to brazenly and successfully steal the 2020 Election in rather astonishing fashion.

In fact, his theft of the 2020 Election may be so staggering in its autocratic nature that it, in itself, may lead to another impeachment. But, obviously, American politics is now so broken that even if we all know Trump stole the election that there simply will not be the political will necessary to do anything about it.

So, that leads to an interesting question: what will the politics of Trump’s stolen, fascist term be like?

This is all very nebulous for a number of reasons. We know general trends, but the specifics of this absolute certain future remain difficult to predict. Once Trump is successfully in his stolen second term, it would make sense that he goes after the last institution that has any ability to check him: the press.

Once he uses his “German Industrialist” allies to buy up and the purge the free press, House Trump’s consolidation of power will accelerate considerably. He obviously is going to start ranting about the need for a Constitutional Convention and without a free press to slow him down, he’ll get it.

This leads to another, more specific question: how bad are things going to get?

Well, there’s a real chance that things could get far, far worse than any of us can possibly imagine. I say this because of Qanon. Once Qanon is the central tenant of the Republican Party, there’s every reason to believe House Trump will use this darkly vicious loony idea to use ICE to round up any and everyone they don’t like and put them in a camp — or push them out a window.

Remember, history is very, very strange at times. So, I would go so far as to suggest that Trump “unbound” will mean there are American Killing Fields. Using the support of the now completely Qanonized Republican Party, House Trump will murder in cold blood any and everyone they disagree with in a rather breathtaking fashion.

Given the momentum involved and the size of the population, I would estimate the death toll could begin to creep up to 10 million, maybe more. This is our future, this is going to happen. We might pause it now and again, but the conditions for this nightmare to happen are locked in.

Now, I will admit that sounds rather hysterical. But I simply can’t imagine any possible scenario where Trump in his second term doesn’t burn everything to the ground. The forces that he has unleashed are far more powerful than his ability to control them and, as such, watch out.

There is also a chance that a number of Blue States will be converted to military districts and Congress (and the courts) will be purged of anyone seen as not loyal to House Trump.

I could be wrong. I hope I am. If Trump doesn’t do all that and we simply drift into a quasi-autocrat situation, I could see the center-Left radicalizing much the way the center-Right in America did during Obama’s second term. So much so that by 2024, someone like Jon Stewart might run for office.

But it’s extremely difficult to sketch out anything that far out. All I know is, all signs point to House Trump ruling Trumplandia for around 40 or more years and then demographics being such that a new nation of some sort arising from the rubble of the United States.

It probably will be far smaller than the United States and the Blue States will hunker down to a Singularity of MAGA.

I hope I’m wrong with the dystopian nightmare I predict above. I really do. Something pretty spectacular that I simply can’t predict would have to happen, however. The macro trends are simply too powerful at this point for that not to be the case.

Do We Live In A Cultural Wasteland Or Am I Just Old?

by Shelt Garner

I’m only enough to have some perspective on things. It appears as though a trend towards general blandness in society started about 2001 and accelerated in about the 2006-2008 time frame.

For abut a generation now, things have been extremely meh.

If I recall correctly, by about 2008 when smartphones took over, all the major websites were established. Outside of a few unicorns like SnapChat and Tik-Tok there really hasn’t been much innovation in a decade. (I’m talking more about social media than things like AirBnB or Uber.)

Anyway, it makes you wonder if This Is It.

Has this even really happened or am I just old now? I say this only because there really hasn’t been anything “interesting” to pop up in society or technology (or anything else) for about a decade. Things are pretty much set in tone now. We all use Facebook, Twitter, Google and Amazon and that’s it.

Maybe what I’m noticing is the pause while we wait for VR / AR (MX) to take off? Is that it? It’s all very curious.

It’s almost as if something REALLY UNEXPECTED is lurking out there in the historical darkness, waiting to pop out. That’s usually how it works, if history is any guide.

Though, I do wonder if it’s even possible for a new Website to take off and spark any type of cultural interest. It definitely seems as though the Internet has matured and, well, that’s it. This is what we’re stuck with until something Really Big happens that changes Everything in a way we can’t expect.

I wonder what — if anything — that will be.

Life After COVID19: A New Era Is About To Begin (One Way Or Another)

by Shelt Garner

Since the end of WWII there have been a number of major eras in the United States. They go something like this:


The argument could be made a new era started either in 2009 with the Obama Administration or 2017 with the Trump Administration. And, yet, several of those post-war eras ended or began with a rather dramatic extra-political event that happened totally out of the blue without warning.

As such, a pretty strong argument could be made that no matter what else happens in the near future, the COVID19 pandemic, in itself, marks the delination between eras. And, yet, given the political instability in the United States right now, you could also make the argument that not until we finally figure out who POTUS is will the actual new era begin. No matter what happens with the election, we’re in for a new era.

If Trump wins (which he will by brazenly stealing the election), then we’re REALLY in a new era because, lulz, any and all pretense of America being a “free” country will end. We’re going to be nothing more than a managed democracy like they have in Russia and a new, darker era will have begun. Or, actually, if you wanted to be more technical about it, in hindsight, we’ll say that the “new era” began when Trump was acquitted by the Senate and everything else was simply us catching up to what happened.

Things grow far more complicated if Biden somehow miraculously wins despite Trump throwing everything including the kitchen sink at the election to steal it.

I say this because then the macro trends that have led to us finding ourselves in this clusterfuck to begin with will be momentarily paused, or at least become less obvious while we all sigh a huge sigh of relief. We’ll probably have a few months to enjoy a return to “normal” before House Trump strikes back in some way and fucks everything up again.

When, exactly, the over due “new era” begins will thus be far more muddled and difficult to pinpoint at the time. We’ll mark the “before times” of before the pandemic, but it won’t be until House Trump comes roaring back in some way that the thing that was going to happen anyway — fascist America — happens.

I still contend that the only way House Trump doesn’t formally establish Trumplandia is something so unexpected and tragic that no one, regardless of political point of view, will be very happy about it. Whatever it is would have to be jaw dropping. Something along the lines of President Ivanka screwing up a war with the DPRK and being blamed for millions of deaths. (That may very well happen with her dad in his stolen second term, but, lulz.)

Anyway, the point of all of this is America is a fascist state and we’re deluding ourselves for a few months while we wait for Trump to steal the 2020 Election.

Most of my posts to this blog these days begin with hope then simply return back to a very dark reality — the moment Trump was acquitted by the Senate, he attained absolute political power in the United States and there’s not a goddamn thing we can do about it.

I say this in the context of knowing Trump is a huge self-own artist and he’s literally the only person who could somehow screw up the absolute certainty that the United States becomes little more than a vassal state of Russia.