by Shelt Garner
Oh boy. The existing datapoints are flashing red on this one.
The elderly 65+ are most at risk of succumbing to COVID19.
People in close proximity to each other (like a cruise ship or…a rest home) can be all infected quite quickly. (A mental institution in South Korea saw something like 90% infection rate).
We’re totally luzling this in the United States.
About 47 million Americans are 65+.
We already have a case of ONE rest home in Washington State being, essentially, a strategic super-spreader of COVID19.
So, logically, if we’re not taking this seriously and “jungle rules” are applying right now to the spread of COVID19, then, well, it’s looking pretty grim.
The thing I didn’t realize is one reason why The Gray Plague may be far, far more deadly than I initally realized is where the most at-risk elderly people in any one community are: all together in one spot.
A rest home.
So, if we had any leadership, we would lock down all rest homes immediately and require very strict metrics for outsiders to visit them.
As we doing this?
Little Big Man Mick Mulvany told me this is “isn’t SARS, this isn’t Ebola.” Just sit back, think of Trump, tax cuts, young hack MAGA judges and getting fucked on a historic scale.