by Shelt Garner
Don’t sleep on the nation reaction to the State of Washington’s reaction to COVID19. As I have repeatedly said in rather grandiose, poetic manner, when it comes to COVID19, “Heroes will be made. Cowards will be shamed. All will be remembered.” There’s a reason why Trump was so weirdly personal recently against Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, calling him, of all things, “a snake.”
Trump knows Inslee is something he will never be: a leader.

I have also said repeatedly that much like 9/11, when Rudy became a national figure because, well, George W. Bush was busy hiding out in a bunker, so, too would there be a number of political heroes be made in the wake of Trump being nothing more than a deranged version of Being There’s Chauncey Gardner.
Another thing — we are one “WuFlop” away from an unprecedented public perception crisis. The average American simply won’t be able to comprehend it when they finally see happening on a American shores. It’s very eerie everytime I see it. And the person doesn’t have to actually “flop.” Just seeing someone abruptly faceplant for no reason is also rather unsettling.
America, for all our might, is not immune to basic math and physiology. And, so, when we do get the WuFlop, or The Gray Plague really gets bad, it will be men — and women — like Jay Inslee who will keep the country going while we figure out what to do with our doofus criminal who tweets all day and generally being a Russian operative.
If history is any guide, in about two weeks, there’s a good chance that the United States will have multiple hotzones growing exponentially and the death toll will skyrocket. I fear, because of the criminal incompetence of the Trump Administration, that an event that might have been “The Little One,” is going to turn into “THE BIG ONE.” In other words, it’s going to be a real life horror movie.
Within months, we may be talking about not thousands, or hundreds of thousands but MILLIONS of people sick, dying or dead. Of course, given how slow this crisis is moving right now and how, how large a geographic area we’re talking about and the size of the population involved it’s going to take a while for this to happen. Until it doesn’t.
The reason why I believe we need to “recalibrate” our high end of this disaster is we had two months to do something about this issue and we didn’t do anything. So, just wait until 20 nursing homes are reported to be hotzones. Or the prison system gets involved. Or the ICE Camps. Or, the homeless in California.
I don’t mean to scare you. This is not fear porn. Fear porn, in my opinion, is when you use end-times confirmation bias to draw conclusions that aren’t based in fact — you just want people to freak out. But what I’m suggesting is based on what’s going on in Italy and Iran RIGHT NOW.
Or, to put it yet another way, we’re going to need a lot more people like Jay Inslee and a lot less people like Donald Trump to make it through this crisis which, through sheer criminal mismanagement on Trump’s part may be seen in hindsight as the biggest domestic crisis in American history since the end of the Civil War.